Is it normal to document injuries?

Is it normal to take pictures of injuries? Not just normal bumps and scraps, but when it looks serious or is really painful. I have young children, and when they have an accident I take a picture of it before I bandage it up.

But I got wondering if it's strange. I mean, someone would be horrified to go through my phone and find them. I usually delete them after the actual wound has healed, and my logic usually is that just in case we have to go to a hospital or ER.

I do this for injuries on myself as well, but what do you think?

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 33 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Who_Fan4Life

    You're suuuuuuuch a weirdoooooo, omggggg....

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  • howaminotmyself

    You sound a little overprotective. It is great for the "what if" scenarios but you are letting fear control your behavior and rationalizing it by saying "what if." This is about as useful as a back up plan of "I told you so". A before picture of a wound will not tell you how it got infected, should it.

    You know how you tell if a wound is healing? You can see it. Generally it stops bleeding and it scabs over. And how do you capture pain with a camera? Don't let a camera make you stupid and unable to notice a healthy healing process.

    Yes, it can capture a time line of events but so can a piece of paper and a pen.

    I do think it is good for rashes, these seem to always change by the time a doctor has a chance to look at it.

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  • what?!

    It's normal it's good also cuz you can tell if it's healing like you said it's also good for the ER.

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  • MercedesBenz

    I think it is fine for documentation purposes. It can be useful if the injury or condition progresses and you are needing to show a timeline of it.

    It is the people who do it out of a morbid obsession who worry me. But, yours appears perfectly appropriate.

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