Is it normal to draw horses all the time?
All the time I draw horses. Well not all the time, sometimes I draw wolves, but whenever I have free time I draw. Actually all the time. But I'm actually quite good at it!
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All the time I draw horses. Well not all the time, sometimes I draw wolves, but whenever I have free time I draw. Actually all the time. But I'm actually quite good at it!
definitely normal kiddo. I'm a former serial horse drawer myself. Even one time my teacher asked me to draw a picture of what i wanted to be when i grew i drew a horse!
Are they white horses?
White Horse - linked to instinct, purity and the drive of the physical body to release powerful and emotional forces, like rage with ensuing chaos and destruction.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!
So you're good at drawing and you like horses. Whats not normal about that?
do you have a scaner at home, thats connected to a computer? Beacuase if you do or have acsess to one, you can scan your artwork, make an account on, and upload them. i have an account and so does my sister, i can photograph, and my sister can draw, but i cant draw THAT good and my sister has no idea how to work a camera..... but its normal.
Why wouldnt this be normol ? Is not like your drawing dead poeple and even in those cases thats all still up for debate .
I love to draw and I go through phases where the only thing I'll draw pictures of is whatever I'm obsessed with at a given time. Between 2010 until recently, I was obsessed with the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland, and I can draw the Mad Hatter's elaborate costume from memory because of how many times he's appeared in my artwork. Unfortunately I have saved none of those pictures because his face always turned out weird. Which is odd because the face is usually one of the only things I have no trouble with when drawing, but I digress.
I used to draw eyes all the time. It was the only thing I could draw half way decent. Then I went to stick figure comics. Found out a lot about myself. But anyway, yes that's normal.