Is it normal to dream about doing drugs?
i have done many drugs and am of age. I want to get more into doing drugs. in fact I dream about doing doing drugs all the time
yes, i love you | 2 | |
idk/idc | 2 | |
yes | 4 | |
no, i hate you | 4 | |
no | 1 |
Ask Your Question today
i have done many drugs and am of age. I want to get more into doing drugs. in fact I dream about doing doing drugs all the time
yes, i love you | 2 | |
idk/idc | 2 | |
yes | 4 | |
no, i hate you | 4 | |
no | 1 |
With the fentanyl that they are putting in these drugs now I dont think I'd want to even risk doing even a little cocaine nowadays. My friend at work his best friend did some coke at a bar and died right there. Cutting coke with an opioid was unheard of when I was doing drugs. It's the number 1 killer of ppl under 45 in the USA! The DEA said they intercepted only 10% of the fentanyl that came into the USA last year and that 10% was enough to kill every single American. These ppl that are overdosing aren't even almost surviving. They're taking 1000X more than a lethal dose. It's insane what's going on in the USA and the media isn't even really talking about it. They still whine about covid but this fentanyl thing is a million times worse.
Yes it's normal, it's very similar about dreaming about committing crimes.
By doing drugs, you are encouraging people to do drugs and drug addicts die, which makes you responsible for their deaths. So basically, you're a murderer. Sick fuck.