Is it normal to dream about wwii?

I always dream about WWII. I am in love with the game COD 5(World at War) because I can play in a fantastic WWII setting. I just love being a sniper with a bolt action rifle.

But it's more than just the game. I'm pretty good with SFX (sound effects) and am constantly pretending to be a german or russian sniper firing my Mosin-nagant, or Kar 98k. It's kind of embarrassing to do it in school, and people just don't understand how cool it is.

I love watching WWII movies, especially real clips. I don't like war or killing, or I'm not some kind of neo-Nazi, but I find it peculiar that I put my self in to the position of the character I play/ pretend to be. Like I pretend I'm a Nazi sniper fighting for the Fatherland and the Furer and the Third Reich. Or I pretend I'm a Russian sniper fighting to save my Motherland from Nazi fascists. I get so into it, that when I win, I yell along with the game. IE, if the Nazis win, you hear hitler speaking, or even better, when you play the game mode "WAR" and get a 3x, you get BLITZKRIEG and you hear in the back ground "Hooah, DOUCHLAND.....Hooah, DOUCHLAND" and i start saying that.

SO my question is; is it normal to be so ubsessed with a horrible war and time-period, to the point that I pretend to be there, or wish I was there for 15 minutes (I don't want to get killed)?

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 48 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Jen118584

    Haha, all I have to say is that it's "deutschland", not "douchland."

    I'd say you're normal but you might want to explore some other hobbies or maybe expand your historical interests.

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  • BlankSpace2014

    Hey now you have 50/50

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  • ntn195

    Im gay

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  • ntn195


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  • csi_ice

    I do it all the time!

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  • DannyKanes

    I hate the sound fx for the COD series, I think they sound so fake.

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  • dudeomgwtf

    I was about to say the same about the first comment :p

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  • DianneMarieTurner

    When I was little, I used to play games related to WWII, as well as Pearl Harbor. I always had dreams of being an ally or something and I'd usually live, but sometime's I would die, wake up and be like, "Oh." XD

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  • brian987987

    i do it to :)

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