Is it normal to dream every night about killing myself and others?

I dream every night, and it's always about either me killing myself, me trying to kill myself but failing, trying to kill others, or others trying to kill me. The dreams go on for hours. I don't wake up feeling scared or sad though, I wake up and feel invigorated and amused, like I enjoyed trying to murder people or I enjoyed trying to kill myself. I don't know why though, because in real life this stuff terrifies me, and I've attempted suicide in the past and I'm very glad to not feel suicidal any more. Is it normal to have dreams like this and wake up feeling good?

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 15 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • bighairysausage

    you probably watch too many movies or stuff on them. maybe your being bullied? and want it to end

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    • I'm not currently being bullied - however, I did spend 4 years of my life being bullied, and that wasn't too long ago

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  • RoseIsabella

    I just woke up from a dream about being awkward. I have a lot of dreams about awkwardness and being ill at ease. I tend to find more traditional nightmares to actually be rather entertaining.

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    • That's an odd one, I don't think I've particularly had dreams about feeling awkward. I imagine that must feel quite intense.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Its unpleasant, and aggravating.

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  • paramore93

    I used to have these dreams when I was at school. Once dreamt me and my best friend murdered somebody in the school bathroom and put them in the bin. Looking back I think it was a control thing and I was just really stressed out. As long as it's not bothering you I'd just let it run its course. Dreams are just dreams.

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    • Wow, that's quite a vivid dream.
      Very true - perhaps I shouldn't try to put too much meaning behind my dreams

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  • CozmoWank

    You might want to mention it to your doctor to see what they have to say about it.

    I've had dreams of being chased by people trying to kill me and it usually happened at times in my life when I felt like I was losing control of my life. As if outside influences were gaining the upperhand in my life decisions.

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    • That's an interesting thought. That could be the cause. Thanks for the advice.

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