Is it normal to dream of a war or the military when you're not a soldier?
I keep having dreams that I'm a soldier, occasionally killing someone, the last war dream I had was with this character on 'The Beach' called Daffy, who smoked a reefer and shared it with me and we were using a machine gun to shoot the enemies inside a house at a military base in Thailand. This reefer had marijuana in it and Daffy said "can you feel the heat, buddy? We'll drop the enemy down one by one, exciting isn't it?", and I wasn't very talkative, I grabbed the gun and shot the enemies and started laughing and on this rampage I was acting like a sane person, as Daffy in that dream was very sane, wearing a headband, I was wearing dull green clothes. When I woke from the dream I thought the minor characters in a story were not treated like nobodies, is that normal?