Is it normal to drink shower water
My friend spends 5 minutes a day drinking the warm water in the shower and gets most of her daily hydration requirements from this. I think it's weird. Is it normal?
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My friend spends 5 minutes a day drinking the warm water in the shower and gets most of her daily hydration requirements from this. I think it's weird. Is it normal?
Ewww I did that when I was like 9 and then I pretended to be in a shower water commercial and I said "just like coffee!"
Are you drinking water directly from the shower head while you're standing in the shower? Or are you collecting the water that has already touched your filthy body and fallen into the tub?
normal maybe but I wouldn't recommend it because of potential lead contamination. Apparently, hot water picks up much more lead and other contaminants from the pipes than cold water, but I guess it depends on the water quality where you live as well
Normal, no. So long as there aren't trace amounts if rust, mildew or lyme in her pipes, I shouldn't think she needs to stop.