Is it normal to dye my hair as a hobby?

I know a lot of people LIKE to change their hair color a lot, but I REALLY do. I see it almost as a hobby because I get a real kick out of it, I enjoy it, and I don't see it as any less meaningful or important than any other hobby that's just for fun- such as miniature building or wood carving. Yet for some reason, some people look down on it...I don't know why. Does anyone else think its abnormal?

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 37 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Morbidly_Obese

    You shouldn't do that you are killing your hair. It would be a good idea to use natural ways to dye it...

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    • well i keep my hair a light blonde, which is only damaging it a tiny bit the one time i lighten it- and then do tints of color which are temporary and fade within a week back to blonde. it's actually not as damaging as you'd think.

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  • MissClaire

    pretty soon you wont have any hair to dye

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  • la_la_la_la


    I dye mine purple, red or blue-black but I keep it very short because the longer I have it the worse it looks. I don't bleach it though. I blame my love of all those comics & cartoons where people had that colour hair. If mine just grew in the colours I dyed it there'd be no problem

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  • fluffyshem

    Don't do it too much. Try grabbing new victims. But yeah you're normal, it's what you like.

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  • catywompus

    Its fun. I don't do it anymore but I started when I was 13. Cool-aid first, then punky colours. I've had every color, sometimes two three or four at a time. Its just expression. Its all good, except the damage to your hair. Obce in a while these days I'll throw a little pink in it. I like it with the bleach blond. So I guess I still dye it, just blonde because its getting darker as I get older and I hate it

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  • JasmineSassypants

    i used to change my hair color every two weeks. completely killed my hair. >.<

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  • It could damage your hair and scalp I guess

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