Is it normal to eat 500 calories a day?

I count them meticulously and I feel guilty and depressed when I go over that number. I feel like any more and I will be fat forever, 500 is the magic number I keep returning to. Is that normal? What should I do if it's not?

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12% Normal
Based on 104 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • emilydoll

    You need to get out of that. That is unhealthy love. You can't live guilt like that. Guilt is for murderers.

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  • icanhascheezburger

    No it's not normal, only you can make yourself change that habit. It sounds like to me you have an eating disorder of some kind whether it be anorexia or bulimia; if this is the case you need to check yourself into a clinic and get some help. I've gone through this, I know what you're going through please get some help before you hurt yourself, I know you think you're making yourself feel better by doing this but you're really hurting yourself physically and mentally.

    No one is going to make you change anything you're doing, except you. It will be hard, it's very difficult to overcome, you need support from anywhere you can get it (family, friends, spouse, bf, gf...) I really hope and pray that you are strong enough to overcome this.

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  • rawr123451

    500 is not sufficient to feed u!! U need well over that!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Stop starving yourself. You need at least 1200 a day to be healthy. Keep it up long enough and your health will suffer. :/ you oughta see a counselor and try to start eating more.

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  • imustbnutz

    you are obsessed. Are you a fitness freak too? When I finally made the effort to lose weight for the first time a couple of years back, I became so obsessed with working out and food (I hated food and still do). I wouldn't sleep if I only did an hours cardio and I would go days not eating at all!. What a vicious cycle to be in. I went through the chew and spit period for about 8 mths. I am regretting it though, it has taken its toll. Seriously I would suggest you start researching diet and nutrition. I wish I knew then what I know now about food. I also felt empowered to not eat

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  • pixie_dust

    what u r doing is actually counterproductive tobecoming thin. its a biological fact that when u consume so luttle calories that ur body goes into starvation mode and tries to conserve every last calorie. in other words, your body is working against you. plus ur setting yourself up to binge later on bcuz eventually u wont b able to take it anymire either. what u ought to do if u want to ne attractive, is find some kind of exercise you enjoy, lay off processed foods (not even the kind intended for weight loss like slim fast). drink organic teas and substitute all sugatswith honey. little by little lose weight. I forgot to mention that the weight u lose with a starvation diet, your body will take tje first chance it can to put back on plus extra incase "famine" happens again to jave surplus for survival.

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  • claire2099

    Please go to a doctor.

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  • kittylitter101

    You need to go on Supersize vs Superskinny.
    But in all seriousness, to be able to survive you must take in more calories, this could lead to something like anorexia. You most likely won't get fat as long as you exercise properly.

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  • sparklepop

    I have been there too, I became so unwell and thin that I actually lost my period for a year. The fact that I may have ruined my chances of having children one day made me stop and think about what I was doing.
    You must pull yourself out of this. Eat more, but try to do exercise as well, a healthy diet {not one where you cut things out completely, I mean a BALANCED diet} and exercise are the only ways you can be slim and stay healthy.

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  • I'm there too, not the whole 500 calorie a day, because it's not just about that. I'm a model, and for the runway I have to have 24inch waist and 34-35 ich hip, and that's skinny! My diet plan is somewhat strict and you should possibly try it if you don't want to be fat or you don't have to be so strict!
    I eat 1200 calories, : Meal Plan.
    Breakfast:(some examples) Greak no sugar added Yogurt with Blueberries, and a banana! Regular nothing in it Oatmeal.
    Lunch: (use an appetizer plate) make a salad with tomato and cucumber peppers and mushrooms with a vienegratte.
    Dinner: lean meat like fish and chicken with veggies.(preferably non cooked)
    And remember 8-10 glasses of water a day!
    And I do cardio & aerobic workouts, 20mins in the morning, some stretches during the day,20-30min walk(moderate not fast) in the afternoon. And another 20 min cardio at night or aerobics!
    Some fun ways are to get an app on your iPod (Fitme or Aerobic workout plus) < helps you plan things. Or if you have a gaming console that let's you interact, play sports games. I have wii fit plus, and wii fit boxing champion, both fitness games that are really great:)

    This is kinda long, but. Hope it helps!

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    Why do women think it's unsexy to be more than 20 pounds! The weight that men like is between 135 and 150. Get there, not to light, not to big.

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  • xo22

    You will probably get sick. Stop being so vain

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    • ablutions

      If you think it's vanity, you're fucking delusional.

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