Is it normal to eat hundreds of icecubes a day and be addicted to ice?

When I wake up in the morning I go straight to my freezer and eat ice as I get dressed. I eat ice in the shower, in the car, at the restaurants... whenever I can. I get very sad if there is no ice made and am considering investing a lot of money in getting an ice maker for my room. The ice I eat adds up to hundreds of cubes a day. I like "half cooked" ice, meaning it has water on the inside and is hollow on the outside. I like eating ice that has the consistency of sleet. I like microwaving ice for a short amount of time so that it gets watery. I know all the times to freeze ice for different consistencies that I am in the mood for. I like freezing huge glasses and spending hours eating the melting ice. I feel like I am dehydrated and nauseous without ice. Is it normal?

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 54 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • joybird

    Eating ice usually means that you are low in iron so that's maybe why you feel dehydrated, it's actually tiredness. Look inside your lower eyelids to see if they are blood red or very pale pink.

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  • DannyKanes

    Is this Ben Cousins?

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  • Captain108

    not really normal. i think you should stop but i mean it won't kill u i don't think.

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  • imlikeatherapistbutbetter22

    well ice is water so your being pretty healthy especially if you do not normally drink cups of water

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  • Unicron

    My dad does that too, it's actually a thing called pagophagia, a form of pica.
    Like what Joybird said, it usually means you're low in iron.
    At least ice is somewhat good for you compared to what other people with pica eat.

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  • PurpleMelon

    I've heard of loads of people who are the same. Pretty normal.

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  • NotNearNormal

    I LOVE ICE TOO! I eat a cupful everytime I drink water.. Not as much as you but still. My cousin got me hooked!

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  • frootloops1

    omg i love you

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  • kniight

    At least you don't eat rocks or hair or something unhealthy. It's ice, so who cares. Is it "normal?" No it's not, but it's not bad.

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