Is it normal to eat the inside of my cheeks and like pain in my mouth?
I have had a bad habit of chewing and ripping off pieces of the inside of my cheek. Like I'll just sit there and subconsciously put my finger on my cheek and push it into my teeth so I can chew off the flesh inside. It usually bleeds but since it's my mouth it basically heals in ten minutes. I do this for collectively 2-4 hours a day maybe.
So yeah the inside of my mouth is ripped to shreds and covered in scar cheek tissue but eh. It's like how some people bite their nails I eat the inside of my mouth.
Also I like jamming things into my gums and making them bleed because I just really like any sort of pain done to my mouth. Like if you take your straw and jam it between your teeth and it gets that sharp pain.
I dunno, I'm 23 now and started when I was like 16 so I don't think it's gunna stop anytime soon. Thankfully my gums look absolutely fine and I have no problems from it.