Is it normal to eat while in the shower?
Heard from a friend, that she eats in the shower.. is it normal?
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Heard from a friend, that she eats in the shower.. is it normal?
Once, back in university, while really, really drunk... I decided the best way to sober up was to eat sausages I cooked/ burned in the pan, in the shower.
The sausages were tasteless because of the water and made me wanna vomit and any fat that came off the sausages I was biting into like a wild animal made the shower harder to clean.
Lesson: When you get drunk, just sleep it off and do not try to think up your own remedies...
yeah and i jerk off with a washcloth and a shampoo bottle up my ass in the kitchen
i guess it would sort of depend on what she eats in the shower? like if she’s eating a watermelon or something then it’s literally already hella watery so it doesn’t really make a difference, but if it’s a sandwhich; no dice.
I eat submarine sandwiches in the shower but they always fall apart in my hands and I end up with fistfuls of mush and meat which I shove in my water-filled mouth. I usually choke and pass out.
Yes, completely normal. I myself eat a full tub of ice cream most nights while crying in the shower. Completely normal.
I eat apples and smoke in the bath lmao.
Fiancée hates it cause I always fall asleep and leave my cigarette butts on the edge. The tobacco juice runs down the walls of the tub leaving stains. Ah well.
No, it's retarded. I could probably enjoy a Margarita and a few olives in a bathtub although never really tried it. But I do enjoy cocktails when I am inside a pool.
Eating while showering seems crazy, but I eat while in the bath, it's relaxing.