Is it normal to eat your skin
Well I had a scab on my arm that was long so I pealed the scab off and ate it, now I continue to eat my skin. IIN
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Well I had a scab on my arm that was long so I pealed the scab off and ate it, now I continue to eat my skin. IIN
It depends on what part of your skin you're biting off/eating. If it's the part around your nails that is actually quite normal. And alot of people do it while they bite their nails. As their skin feels moist from the saliva, it feels 'pickable' so they might bite off a small amount of their skin around the end of the nail.
It's also normal if you bite the skin from your dry lip sometimes, if you do that, it's easy to stop the habit by licking your lips every few minutes.
Biting your skin from yourself anywhere else is stupid and weird. Because this skin is living skin (has blood inside it) and you will bleed.
Skin around your nails or on your lip doesn't have any life so it's not stupid it's just a habit. Nuff said.
I eat the inside of my mouth all the time ..every single day.. I have nervous problems's completely normal.