Is it normal to enjoy dumpster diving?

I love to "dumpster dive".

I routinely pick up items like computers, household electronics, small appliances, tools, etc... from along the curbside and I all but have to physically stop myself from rummaging through a dumpster loaded full of broken devices.

After picking them up, I take them home and either clean and repair them for use or re-dispose/recycle them again if the item can't be salvaged...

Is this remotely normal?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 65 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • PumpkinKate

    Of course it's normal! Or at least... it's AWESOME. I found my playstation 2 (complete with every cord and device needed, 2 controllers, a game inside it, AND a memory card) in a dumpster.

    I also have found, through dumpster diving:
    A working X-box (original)
    A broken X-box 360 (red ring of death :/)
    Several computers (mostly outdated)
    A jewelry box with $50 cash underneath a felt panel
    A ton of books, movies, and artwork
    Lots of other really cool shit

    You guys should be jealous, or something. Us dumpster-divers are kick-ass.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You should build a super computer and rule the world with it:)

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  • vinylboy

    i dumpster dive to collect garbage bags

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  • pipefan413

    It's perfectly normal dear, my grandmother herself had a knack for dumpster diving. Some of the stuff you can find could be in mint condition.

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  • uklad27

    i got 1000's pound worth stuff from 1 coop, I only need buy meat usually, i got everything from tuna with wrong printed smudge ink labels, wheatabox dented boxes, load washing powder with mini hole, unsure why cant be sold patched :s

    copious amounts walkers 600's packets, slightly past date, jams honies, 100's packs lager, chewing gum, toilet cleaner, unsure why in there. loads oranges bannas all fine lasts a while past date, onions copious white and maris piper that last me and friends months. Some thsi stuff shud be best before in fridge potatoes last 2-4 months. carrots. loads chocolate cadburies, mayonaise ribena tomatoe sauce. broad beans egg plants, I leave bread and meat as is a risk, but is laods of bread, and usully meat yogurts etc, load diet coke cause one can missin multi packs, lucozade lite is really bad when stuff is not out date. loads orange juice. One time was 50 cartons tropicana :O unuseable as had be chilled prob was still fine though, boxes multteaser, xmas cards, cakes, cake bars, so much i cant remember it all, toilet duck pads, damaged boxes, some thsi stuff is high value really. coop seeds. loads expensive flowers alough not been any for ages.

    I never been ill and wipe everything seams a shame so much could be wasted many peopel have benified in poverty from teh goods as me as i very poor. I hope thisreason why some skip have access as i know legally cannot do anything with it all. I leave my location a secret but is midlands radius. It useful as local. it really is hard not to look when amount of useable food is there and huge savings to be made.

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  • pansyfugufish

    do you make alot of money doing this?

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  • rapideye89

    I was homeless for three days, and I ****ing hated diving in trash cans to recycle for gas, **** that.

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  • EbonyMT

    I wanted to seriously take something like this up as a life time hobby when I was littler because I loved it. I found a motorized scooter and a go-kart and a new TV and a new bike and a golf set. LOL I stopped though when I moved away from the spot. They had this Spring Cleaning every year with about 12 or more huge dumpsters. I'm talking dumpsters with wheels that are way taller then you. It was GREAT.

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  • hotchickie81

    I've done stuff like that before :)

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  • brkb

    It may not be normal, but it's fine and good overall. Just be careful not to start hoarding.

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  • gowila

    U remind me of the iron man.

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  • jermath35

    If you eat food it's called a freegan... I had to dumpster dive for tables chairs and couch I was poor but damn people can throw good stuff out!

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