Is it normal to enjoy scaring people?

Since I played for first time hide and seek,I just loved scaring people.As i became older,I've kept this habit and now I scare anyone that is not aware of my presence.(even my dog)

Yes. 26
No. 7
It depends on the situation. 30
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Comments ( 11 )
  • some people are unpredictable when startled, you could get hit on the head with a frypan

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  • I heard Ted Bundy did that alot in adulthood. His ex-girlfriends later said he would always hide and jump out to scare them, that he loved it and got a big high from their reactions. This was when he was in his 20's.

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  • KaffeInjection

    Nope.. Not normal and something you could have GROWN out of doing.....

    I warn you, you might end up giving a poor soul a heart attack.

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  • powerpoe

    only do it to friends or family, and you're safe. I love scaring people, bu I just keep to doing it with (close-ish) friends and family, sure they get mad sometimes, but it's still funny every time

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  • cigs

    well no. i do the same thing not tying to then i say what you get scared they say im like a rat. or some insect like that.

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  • telly34

    I am usually under a lot of stress tend to startle easily, so I do not think that it is funny at all to startle people. I understand that it is probably intended in good fun, but not everybody likes this kind of humor. I am sure that I thought it was funny to startle people when I was younger, but I outgrew it as I became older (not to sound condescending).

    I almost view scaring or startling people as a form of assault, so in my book, it would be ok to punch someone in the face and break their nose to defend yourself after being startled by them. Plus, it would teach them not to do it in the future.

    Please stop doing this to people. There are enough annoyances and irritations that occur unintentionally in the world that we do not need to add to the madness.

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  • anti-hero

    Yes, with my huge dong.

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  • bananaface

    People certainly like to scare me, which makes me think it's normal.:( I'm the perfect victim because it's incredibly easy to startle me and because my reactions are funny to people. Honestly, one of these days someone is going to give me a bloody heart attack! I sometimes jump from around corners if I hear my sister coming around, or someone I know, so that I can scare them and get my revenge.>:) I wouldn't do it to a dog, though.

    Depends how often you do it as well.

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    • charli.m

      Awww :(

      I like to scare one of my kids, because he likes it. He does this all over shiver, then shrieks with laughter and yells "MORE!" It's cute :D

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      • bananaface

        Haha, that sounds adorable!!:D I don't really mind getting startled, unless I'm in a bad mood or if it's my sister doing it for the 20th time that day (grr). It's very funny to me when I end up embarrassing myself, though.:D Like when I kind of accidentally get startled (by my bag bumping into a lamppost, or almost walking into someone while turning a corner, etc).

        Also, I have this way of reacting sometimes, where I make a weird noise and do this weird clawy thing in the air, which certain people describe as being like a very "camp tiger", haha.:P

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        • charli.m

          I just snorted at 'camp tiger' :D That's so awesome! :D

          I used to see our vacuum/hoover out of the corner of my eye, think it was our dog, jump, yell at her for startling me, realise it wasn't her, then apologise to it :-S

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