Is it normal to enjoy second hand smoke, and not be a smoker?

I enjoy buying and lighting cigarettes in my room to smell the second hand smoke, but I don't actually smoke them (did once, didn't like it). I do it with a brand that lacks additives and not light for the full tobacco smell.

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29% Normal
Based on 83 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • aussiewolf

    believe it or not, you are actually "smoking" if you are breathing it in. if you just enjoy the smell of tobacco, try growing some plants (not sure if its legal though) so you dont inhale all the chemicals they put in cigarettes.

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  • CheeseBiscuits

    Whatever floats your boat man, but inhaling second hand smoke is actually worse for you than smoking, so you may not want to jeopardize your health just to smell something you enjoy smelling.

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  • 8Serene8

    Yeah okay whatever. My whole family smokes ciggarettes and I've always been around their smoking all my life and guess what? I'm not dead. The fact you think I'm ignorant proves you are an idiot who is just anti-smoking and are looking for a reason to blame your friends death on. I think it's time you get the f*** over it and move on.

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    • imtherealpandabear

      You just proved how stupid you are. Aussiewolf is dead on. You may be alive today, but you may be gone tomorrow. Smoking does increase the chances of heart attack and other diseases. You know it, I know it, everyone else knows it.

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  • File-Not-Found-404

    Question, Did you have a loved one growing up that smoked and then passed away? If so then that explains it...

    My mother smoked and died when i was 9, so i started smoking because the smell reminded me of her. No peer pressure involved.

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  • Midnightshadow54

    There is actually a Simpsons episode like that.

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  • Dagan

    I like the way cigarettes smell as well but don't hang around bars to take a wiff.

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  • An0nym0us9001


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  • imtherealpandabear

    I hope you're not serious. My friend died from second hand smoke. That's REALLY SICK to even joke around like that. She was only 19 years old you sicko.

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    • Bleach2476

      My mom smokes. Are you calling her a sicko?

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      Thats a load of shit. i smoke every day and i love it and i aint dead

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      • imtherealpandabear

        You're lucky. Not all people survive and its not a load of shit child.

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  • vanillaE

    I agree that second hand smoke smells and tastes better than actually smoking a cigarette but I'm not to sure about wasting your money on cigarettes when you don't actually smoke them! It's probably also not such a good idea to be inhaling second hand smoke all the time - worse for you than actually smoking. I mean, you can do whatever you want but in the long run that second hand smoke habit you've got going on now may be something you wished you hadn't started up.

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  • 8Serene8

    ^ Where is your proof your friend died specifically of second hand smoke?

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    • imtherealpandabear

      Excessive tar, black lungs. If you don't know what tar is, I'll explain it to you. Tar is a sticky brown substance that is the main cause of lung and throat cancer in smokers. It's a build up that only gets worse over time. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. You should have learned years back or were you homeschooled?

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      • crazykittens

        They're probably just pretending to not know. I mean, come on. Statistically-wise, nonsmokers have a 3x higher risk of death before age 50 than smokers. Also, my uncle just died in 2008 from lung cancer - he was a moderate smoker. His lungs were damaged beyond repair from the smoke. His breathing was always bad from it and he developed a cough 2 yrs before he died in 2006. After that, he got lung cancer and passed away :(. He was only 45.

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        • crazykittens

          *smokers have a 3x higher risk of death than nonsmokers.

          Sorry, mistake.

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    • Bleach2476

      Proof? seriously? This is the world wide web man!

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  • An0nym0us9001


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    • imtherealpandabear

      Okay, be ignorant when its a FACT that second hand smoke kills loads of people every year and my friend DID die, its not a lie freak.

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