Is it normal to enjoy smoking weed every day?

I smoke weed every single day. I honestly do not believe it's because I have to or that I have a psychological addiction. I do it because I want to and it is a godsend when it comes to self expression and introspection (i.e meditation). My creativity when writing music has exploded.

I would submit that my marijuana use has made my relationships better. I have become a more understanding and less judgemental person. Honestly the only thing that bothers me these days is that so many people are missing out on this wonderful experience because of social stigmas and propaganda.

Is it normal to enjoy weed this much? I know many people only do it in social enviornments like parties and such but it feels like part of my life now.

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 1082 votes (951 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • lithp

    This is HELLA normal. Weed is great! People really enjoy breathing, so they breathe everyday. If you really enjoy smoking, feel free to smoke everyday.

    The only thing you must beware of is if the weed starts to affect your ability to lead a productive life. If you notice that your abilities become impaired beyond the times when you are high, take a step back for a week or so to regain some clarity. When you've been getting high everyday, being sober for a while can be quite the trip as well.

    Once you've cleared up a bit, you can happily return to your stash.

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    • Youdontknowmeatall

      Well said dude, excataly what i was thinking

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  • boynumber

    Weed is not physically addictive, but without a doubt it creates compulsive thoughts which lead to smoking it. If you look forward to smoking it every day, or you only want to hang with your smoking friends, or if you only want to do things when you're high, then you should be careful.
    If you had no access to weed, sure you'd cope and you might not crave it and you'd carry on with it, but if you have weed in your drawer, chances are you'll smoke it because it is there.

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    • stokedscooter

      fuck yeah dude...totally right.......

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    • yumicpcake

      That's not true - I can keep weed without smoking it for well over a month. I do it every once in a while at random to make sure I don't walk around in a haze.

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  • Capricornie

    The bottom line is you are altering your state of mind.
    Like, really, have you even mastered consciousness yet?

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  • meggybellygmailcom

    as long as it doesnt get in the way of your priorities then your fine. It just affects people differntly. When I smoke, I get completely paranoid and dont get to enjoy it like everyone else. If you can do it and get your shit done your fine. just dont let it take over your life. enjoy life without weed too.

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  • funguy812

    going through the exact same shit dude, it sucks, and when your friends quit you just get so pissed cause their reasons dont ever seem good enough because weed is bomb shit dude its amazing

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  • howpowa

    Weed is not physically addictive. Bottom line. So anyone saying otherwise is retarded and can take that up with a psychologist.

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  • It certainly is normal to ENJOY it, whether or not you should smoke every day or at all is probably more debatable. Should be 100% agreement on the normalcy of enjoying the stuff, though, except for the paranoid types. :) LOL

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  • Isitme

    People r ignorant meaning they dont know better! Lol the only reason ppl say weed is not addictive is because they heard it in an omline article some hippie wrote in the 70s to legalize it. I was once a smoker so stop with the oh u gotta b a smoker to know deal. N e thing u do too much is an addiction video games umm tv procrastinate it doesnt have to be a chemical like coke or cigarettes cus weed is addictive too!! Stop with the bullshit n get a life

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    • KayleeShoe

      Um, sorry there wasn't even internet in the 70's. Weed is not addictive, it's been scientifically proven, not proclaimed by hippies. Do some research and stop hating people for no reason.

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  • bihubby

    we nead to get rid of eavery thing sigerets, cafien,shuger, alacoahal,all things that we dont need soda candy. we should get uniforms to where that are all alike. we should all drive the same car live in the same style home, no self exspreshion. and let the goverment diside what we need and dont need.theye are beter qualified than the masses. And people who smoke pot are the most dangeres, one high on pot people start to relize the hapocres of the goverments. we cant have that. so keep deminizing pot. are free thinking will catch on. (sory about my speling I went to publick school is wasent required)

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  • anonymous2020

    Definitely agree, especially about being more understanding and less judgmental of people weed has definitely made me a better person.

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  • t7796


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  • HurricaneSunday

    Can be addictive mentally, but as long as its not affecting you day to day performance such as your social life, school work, work etc then its fine. I'm in the process of cutting down after smoking about a quater a day, because it was helping me fuck up my school work haha

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  • FreeStyle786

    I'm totally there with you. I'm not addicted but do it because its something i want to do and enjoy doing. My guilty pleasure so to speak. I just hate that there are people who will preach and their misinformation to you as if you had a "problem" These people need to smoke!

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  • stone_love

    I think it's great as long as you don't literally NEED to smoke weed every day. It's fine to enjoy it.

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  • BigRedOne

    Sounds like the statements of a completely addicted mind.

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    • see i smoke weed and cigarretes and you bringing out the A word about weed is iggnorant when u havent been addicted to a substance and if u have u will easily reilize how weed is not addicting


      I know what fiending is, i know what its like to almost not be able to breathe without a smoke. Thank god i quit tobacco 4 months clean and i was smoking a Half pack a day for 8 months

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  • Hot_Carl

    Do you realize how many people smoke weed everyday and are completely fine? How many people have smoked in the past and led perfectly healthy and normal lives? Neither do I. Because it is a lot of people. There is no reason marijuana should be illegal, and once it pulls the country out of debt everyone is going to feel retarded. It's not like he's smoking cigarettes, which are proven to be both addictive and harmful, or even smoking as much as cigarette smokers do. There is also the fact that it is used for legitimate medical reasons (such as cancer), but we can skip that. So many reasons, so little time...

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