Is it normal to envy and be jealous of fearless people ?

Is it normal that i really envy and is very jealous of those people who DON'T FEAR ANYTHING , they have lots of courage and can do allot of things , without being scared or without letting fear control them ?

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Based on 27 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Justsomejerk

    If this is who I think it is then I am impressed with the spelling of the word people.

    Fearless people often die young.

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  • Many act in a fearless way because it is they who are most filled with it.

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  • flutterhigh

    Fearlessness is just stupidity. You're an idiot if you don't fear anything. Bravery is what you're looking for - bravery is continuing to be calm, rational, and virtuous in the face of overwhelming fear.

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  • Anime7

    The way I see it, if you can act fearless, people will view you as just that. If you want to be viewed as those you envy, then don't put yourself in scenarios where you'll get scared. I had a teacher who would always tell us this, "if you act like the person you want to be, then aren't you that person?" As Parrish said, nobody is truly fearless, everyone fears something.

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  • anti-hero

    Nobody is truely fearless.

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    • Anime7


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  • Bmac17

    Everyone is afraid of something, and it's not easy to hide your fears, but, not expressing it can give you an aura of being bulletproof, others will see you as invincible, or in times of duress, a Leader. Stay calm and keep a level head, even if you think death is screaming right at you, use whatever you need to save yourself or others. There's no limit to what a clear mind can do.

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  • 800imawesome

    Fearlessness is called stupidity. Courage is facing your fears.

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  • Being fearless doesn't equal to courage. Courage is being scared, and facing those fears head on.

    Nobody is truelly fearless, if they were then they'd be dead by now. Fear is a survival skill, it is needed.

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  • NotFloydzie

    No. You're really speaking as if you couldn't do that yourself.

    What is it that you fear? Whatever it is, it's all in your head. You can get over it and overcome it if you made the effort.

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