Is it normal to exercise a high degree of caution when posting online
Many people online will become completely disinhibited and say whatever they want to without thinking, i.e. GIFT. However, I do not. Whenever I post things, I tend to have the attitude "If you wouldn't say this in real life, don't say it online" for the most part, which in my book pretty much means be as polite as possible, don't insult, and think before you comment instead of just spewing whatever's on your mind. I'm not saying that I don't post ANYTHING that I wouldn't say in an unanonymous crowd or even with a live person behind a screen: I post a whole bunch of stuff that I wouldn't say in real life. However, I often refrain from posting the things that would stir a furor in real life or the more sensitive personal topics.
Is it normal to behave this way when online?