Is it normal to fall in love with your best friend?

I am in love with my best friend. She is so pretty but I don't want to mess anything up. I fear she might not be into me and that it might jeopardize our friendship. I like her so much

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Somenormie

    Go out with her.

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    For a long time my best friend was a female and once upon a time, when we were both at a loose end, we would hook up, it was never romantic but we were very close and told each other everything about past and recent partners.

    She had a couple of things she really enjoyed sexually and was often shy to tell new partners and when her relationships ended, she would call and say something like "its been so long since..."
    And we would hook up and sort each other out with whatever it was.
    Yes, on occasion, it led to us both cheating on our partners, but we got our fix of whatever it was we were looking for.
    We could never take each other seriously enough to go full time, but we both came to realise that we loved each other more as friends and couldn't continue the way things were, but we have a pact that if life ever turns and we find ourselves single and getting old then we are moving in together... Platonically of course lol

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Pretty normal, after all, romantic partners are just sexy friends at the end of the day.

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  • That is common.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Been with the same girl since highschool im in my 30s. We met and were friends since middle school. It worked out really well for us. We were already comfortable around eachother and knew eachother well before we ever got romantic with it. So it was never awkward. Jealousy isnt a problem because we were bith friends while we dated others in the past. Kind of happened by accident too we both needed a roommate and it just started from there.

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  • ElysianGod

    You should tell her the truth. You never know she might feel the same way. Especially if you’re getting vibes that she’s into you. Next time you hangout try to see what her body language is like around you. Is her feet pointing towards you when you speak? Does she turn her whole body when speaking/ looking at you. Does she also touch you a lot? After all the actions of someone speaks more than words.

    Best of luck to you. I do hope you get to be with her though. :)

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    My first girlfriend was a friend of mine I knew since middle school, didn't work out but we are still friends.

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