Is it normal to fantasize and run around at the same time?

Sometimes, when I am fantasizing (not in a sexual way), just random situations that could occur that would entertain me. Such as something funny that could happen or whatever. And, apparently, I get this really goofy smile on my face, run around my house, jump off of furniture, and my hands shake. Is this normal?

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 53 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • VanillaKilla

    Yea... I think you're either:



    A fuckin' psychopath.

    What kind of normal person runs about their house, jumping off furniture, plotting something in their head, shaking their hands while they have what I'd imagine a pretty creepy and sadistic looking smile on their face. That'd scare the shit out of me, and I'd probably put you in a restraining jacket.

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    • No, I'd describe it as more as a happy face. You know, maybe I never really had a childhood. Maybe I'm a teenager with an overactive imagination. Maybe, retreating into my mind and imagining myself in happy situations, such as, oh, I don't know, NOT BEING A FUCKING RAPE VICTIM AND HOW HAPPY MY LIFE WOULD BE IF I WASN'T, is the only way I can keep myself fucking sane. It's not like I'm imagining killing people. Who are YOU to say what's normal? And who are YOU to say I'm not? When I was raised in this fucking society. PLEASE tell me what is normal when it seems that any sort of eccentric qualities in any child is locked away so that they become a socially acceptable machine. I say, FUCK YOU, good sir. And please, come up with a less-racist name. You fucking shithead.

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      • VanillaKilla

        Lol. Who am I to say whats normal? Heads up... YOU JUST POSTED ON A WEBSITE CALLED "Is it Normal"! Don't post and expect people to say its normal or not. Picturing someone doing that doesn't seem normal to me, and thats my opinion, isn't that why you made the post, to get people's opinion. I think seeing a shrink is a better way of dealing with things. As for being less racist? Here's a good joke you might run around being insane to...

        A mexican, a black and a white guy are walking along a beach. They find a lamp, rub it and a genie pops out. They each get one wish each. So the mexican says "I wish for all my mexican people to go back to mexico and have a huge fiesta", so he genie clicks his fingers and all the mexicans disappear into mexico for their fiesta. The black guy says "Yo, I want all my brothers to be back in africa, having a big ass party with some big booty bitches", so the genie snaps his fingers and all the black disappear into africa. So now that its the white guy's turn he asks the genie: "So all the mexicans are now back in mexico?" The genie nods. Then the white guy asks "And all the blacks are back in africa?" The genie nods again. The white guy thinks really hard for a minute and says... "Alright, I'll just have a coke then".

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  • whatever66

    hi everyone! just wanted to add, quickly skimming through the comments, a lot of you guys might have this:
    maladaptive daydreaming

    you can read about it here:

    this is a very supportive community where you can read about maladaptive daydreaming as well as other, very similar things. As someone said she'd done loads of research, I just wanted to make sure no-one freaks out and feels alone with this!!

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  • Leeko

    i do the same thing except it's more like pacing; i don't really jump on the furniture or stuff

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  • Stifler

    The second i read creepy smile i saw jeff the killer's face in my head O.o

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  • littlepanda

    OMG! I do it all the time and I thought that I was alone. THANK YOU so much for posting this :):):) <3

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  • Bellabora

    My older brother and I do the exact same thing. I understand exactly where your coming from and I was just researching to find out whether i do it or not and I stumbled upon your question. Im just commenting to let you know that you are definitely NOT alone!

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  • miched101

    Oh, my little brother does the exact same thing, the EXACT same thing. The doctors are trying to decide if he has tourettes or ADHD or something else, and whenever I catch him doing it, he says "I'm thinking".
    We think it just means he's a genius. :)
    And to all the people making fun of this, FUCK YOU YOU IGNORANT BITCHES!!!

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  • lisac1919

    you need to look at this forum:

    im not sure if im alowed to post link so: revolutionhealth dot com
    or just look up 'fixed fantasy'. ive done a tonn of research about this because i do the same that you do! and about 4 percent of the population does too! it could be avoidant personality disorder...and a deep need to feel accepted and loved and heard.

    do you imagine you are you but a better version of you? do you make up charactors and play charactors? it turns out lots of people do, so check out that forum because it made me feel a lot less insane! it will make you feel a lot better! i never even really realised how often i was doing it too...and music is huge trigger!

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  • TheAnimeFangirl

    same here~!

    Like a little idiot i pretend Germany from hetalia is making me train.8I

    ...Eh,i'm losin alot of weight anyway! WOOHOO

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  • squirrelgirl

    I like to go for a run at the park with my iPod on while daydreaming. It's a great feeling. I've been harassed so many times because of it - not to mention the foot and leg injuries I've sustained - but my love of running and daydreaming is much greater than any problems that occur because of it.

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  • bumblecreek

    just getting a little giddy it sounds like, lol.

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  • android240

    unless your are really over 18 then yes its normal

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