Is it normal to fear being embarrassed so much that i monitor myself..

mentally and physically to make sure I don't do anything stupid or that can cause me to feel embarrassed? Its mentally draining and im anxious all the time. Is this normal ? How can I stop this I didn't use to be this way at all and it's interfering with my relationships with others and having a negative impact on my life.

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59% Normal
Based on 34 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Mando

    Why don't you see a cognitive therapist?

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  • MiaScar.

    Social phobia

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  • Charle44

    Most people are too into their own problems to notice anyone doing something embarrassing. Do yourself a favor - go for a walk around the block with your fly open or your hair in a morning mess. Tell someone a joke that's only a little bit funny. Gangsta-blast Barney the Dinosaur songs out of your car windows. Do some little stuff like this and get used to the feeling.

    Another thing you can do is imagine yourself doing something really embarrassing. Picture your reaction and others' reactions. How bad could it be, realistically? Watch other people when they do something embarrassing, and see how they accept it and move on.

    Embarrassment is tough because it gives you a freeze moment. If you think about that moment you'll get hung up on it. You need to remember that after that moment, things pretty much go back to normal. So when you imagine yourself doing something embarrassing, keep imagining it. People don't stand around in a circle pointing and laughing like they do in the movies. Even if you do something embarrassing and people notice, in about three seconds they've moved on to something else. So what you really want to get to isn't living a life without doing anything embarrassing; it's living a life where you roll with it after you mess up.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Emberrassing things are going to happen. That's just part of life. But instead of being embarrassed, try laughing at yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously. I can say that I myself hardly ever gets embarrassed because, when something happens to me, I've learned to makes jokes out of it. Realize the fun out of the event, not the shame.

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  • emilydoll

    A key to a happy life is just to be able to laugh at yourself and not take anything personally and to not think so much. You are overanalyzing yourself, relax... It's even more embarrassing if you are easily embarrassed, people can see this just as you can, take it easy.

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  • dappled

    Embarrassment is just a kind of insecurity. I got past it by deliberately pointing out all the stupid things I've done and making myself part of the joke (rather than it being a joke against me). I often say things here that seem to demean me (and that nobody would ever know if I didn't say them). The weird thing is, I think they have the opposite effect than you'd imagine.

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  • NotFloydzie

    You sound paranoid for no reason. I think you need to relax and take some time off. We all make mistakes and obsessing over not making them it's only going to overwhelm you. Enjoy life.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I don't know what happened with me, but for a long time now, I just don't get embarrassed. Shit happens. Maybe its my "laugh at everything" attitude. It comes in handy on occasion. Perhaps after a few incidents, you realise that you can't do a thing about it but move on. Right? Stop stressin

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