Is it normal to fear craps? (to suffer from coprophobia)
Coprophobia (meaning "copros" feces in greek and phobia means "fear" ) as said is the persistent and over fear of waste matters ... well of course, all (if not, majority) people are disgusted of poop, scat, feces, shit or whatever you want to call it but not "scared" .. unlike me, the sight, smell or even its
sound really spook me so much like I am sometimes
having mini heart attacks overly conscious and unreasonably scared like feeling very nervous ... and occassionally, even having nightmares about my encounter of a certain poop events like when I was seven, one of my elementary classmates soiled her skirt out .. we were having our final examination when this little girl told our teacher she needs to go to the comfort room ... well, at least she made it through the comfort room but ended up soiling her skirt out before she reached the toilets .... and my most unforgettable trauma scene was 7 years ago, when I was 17 ... when I was having my urinalysis for my medical check up for my visa to canada, I went inside the comfort room to take my piss (urinate) and then I saw it .. the most digusting thing I've ever seen that even to this day it was like a horror flick that kept running in my mind that makes me really sick, there were craps scattered through the floor from the toilet .. eeeewww ... It haunted my dreams for like a month (not exaggerating) ... now, my question is, do you share this kind of phobia? Thanks ....
by the way, I am Elisha, 23 turning 24 on May 2015, a woman and coprophobe ....