Is it normal to fear death so much?

Recently I've Been Getting This Horrible Sort Of Feeling a When Ever I Think About Death. The more I Think The More I Fear And The More I Worry...

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 36 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Avant-Garde

    What you really fear is the unknown.

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  • No use worrying about something that happens to every living thing on earth and is completely unavoidable. The pain of dying isn't what freaks me out exactly. It is what comes right after death.

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    • DragonQueen

      And what would that be? Did you have a near death experience. Oh please do tell me about it. I find Death so Scary. Did you see some kind of demon! Please I must know.

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    • Agirlsbestfriend.

      You mean when you shit and piss yourself? I'm not too worried about it; hopefully it brings a small bit of amusement as a parting gift to the world.

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  • DemonofEmpire

    it is normal but ( people are gonna hate me 4 saying this )yolo you only live once don't let that chance go to waste live life take chances don't be scared of deth it is an inevitable fact of life so just accept it and have fun while you can

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  • Freedom_

    Shit, they got you. [the media]

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  • (s)aint

    I've been like that since I was around seven and it's my only real issue.
    I fear that death will be as it was before I was born= NOthing at all.

    I hate things that's out of my control ...

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  • thegypsysailor

    Dying is the easy part; it's living that's hard. When you're dead, there's no more fear, worry, need to make a living, need for housing, a car, friends or lovers; none of the things that require us to struggle every day to survive.
    When your time comes, you should just cool out and relax, because NOTHING will stop it. And it is the end of PAIN, which should be a relief to all of us, because life doles that out to us in copious quantities, doesn't it?

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    • DragonQueen

      But what if it's not the end of PAIN, what if our eternal soul, is subjected to even more punishment. And some of us don't make it to heaven. And we wind up suffering even more in the bowels of hell. OMG I'm scaring myself.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Sorry, dear queen, but I just do not believe in any of that. No heaven, no hell. For me death is the end, period, and I'm fine with that.

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        • DragonQueen

          You really are? well if's that's what u think, that's all well and good. But I hope that isn't the case. Because I really would like to see my father, in Heaven. Or even the other realm. Because I really didn't get to say good-bye the proper way. Oh well, one can only hope.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Seroiusly, good luck with that. See, none of that whole get back together with loved ones thing, appeals to me at all. In a lot of cases that would be hell for me.
            I did my time with those I encountered in this life (loved ones and not so much) and I'm completely satisfied that the encounters with those who have died were complete.
            I sincerely wish for a kiss from each of my daughters and a few from my honey, and that I will wink out of existence, pain free, when it is my time.

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