Is it normal to fear death this much
When I was 8 years old, death became real to me in my mind. I would lay in bed shaking so scared with the thought, "one day me and everyone I know will be dead" and even as a christian, I kept wondering if we really are just 'gone' after we die. To think that I would never exist anymore is the scariest thing to me. I never want to die or lose the ones I love. I sometimes get scared around old people. Cemetaries scare me. Not for fear of zombies. Just the whole general thought of death is extremely hard to handle. My stomach turns in pain when i'm laying in bed and start thinking of it. I can't watch scary movies at night, not because of nightmares but because they make me think of it and it starts really scaring me,when everyone is asleep.. I start crying because it overwhelms me. I'.m 21 now. I need thoughts on this please...