Is it normal to fear death this much

When I was 8 years old, death became real to me in my mind. I would lay in bed shaking so scared with the thought, "one day me and everyone I know will be dead" and even as a christian, I kept wondering if we really are just 'gone' after we die. To think that I would never exist anymore is the scariest thing to me. I never want to die or lose the ones I love. I sometimes get scared around old people. Cemetaries scare me. Not for fear of zombies. Just the whole general thought of death is extremely hard to handle. My stomach turns in pain when i'm laying in bed and start thinking of it. I can't watch scary movies at night, not because of nightmares but because they make me think of it and it starts really scaring me,when everyone is asleep.. I start crying because it overwhelms me. I'.m 21 now. I need thoughts on this please...

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Comments ( 13 )
  • ProseAthlete

    Almost everyone fears death to some extent, but if it's a fear that hampers your normal behavior or holds you back from doing things you really want to do (unless you really want to gargle lye or something -- it's probably good to hold back from that), it crosses the line into phobia territory.

    In a sense, it isn't really a phobia, though. Phobias are irrational fears; fearing death is pretty damned rational, and since it eventually happens to everyone, some unease about it is normal. You can find ways to work through the fear, though. Therapy might help; if you're religious still, you might try talking to your pastor or priest. Philosophers have wrestled with questions of mortality too, so you might try reading something positive.

    Loss is never easy to take, but if the fear of loss becomes crippling, you need to find a way to ease those fears even though they are always a possibility. If you live your whole life in fear of death, you don't get to enjoy life much.

    I wish you luck; thanatophobia is a tough one.

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  • Holzman67

    I understand, and I sympathise. What really helped me overcome my fear of death was considering nature's compensations. When it comes time to die, it feels right. Death might not feel right now in the midst of vitality and life, but nature has its compensations.

    The following is an anecdote/quote I found on a website, which is a good example;

    "I know someone who was hit by a bullet. He tells me at the time, he didn't feel any pain. I've heard other people who've survived accident and injury describe the same thing. During life-threatening emergencies, nature helps you by putting you into a state of detachment. Reality seems to take on a dreamlike (sometimes even slow motion) quality. Like a psychological protective buffer helping us manage and live through the experience.

    People close to death describe how it starts to feel right for them; if you live ninety years or suffer a long illness, death starts to feel much more a part of the natural cycle of things. Nature has its own way of helping us manage things when they arise. Remember this."


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    • Sssrrrhhh1991

      It's like you're telling me to accept death, which I never will. I constantly pray that Jesus will come back before my time & my loved ones, and take us home so we never have to experience death or loss

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      • Holzman67

        That was one of my messages but not my message in entirety. Only how I conquered my own fear of death. I'm only trying to help you because i sympathise. If you have time, have a look of the link i sent you. Good luck :)

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  • alone?

    im also a christian (and 23)and yeah iive been there especially when i was younger, if you dont want profecional help (which i recomend,not to say this is a big deal but talking will help better in person) one of the tricks is to focus on the positives of life, theres a reason death is sad and why it will alwas be sad, its because life is so good. and yes from time to time the thought that i the bible mightnot be true but trust me thats just you mind playing tricks on you you would and probably do thinkthe same if not similar twords other important beliefs, if ur in college u probaby thught the same about whether or not ur in the right school or major,i have. definatly normal

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  • kaykay89

    Religions set up to help people deal with this normal fear. It's kind of the easy way out for most issues in life. Once you come to terms with the fact that death inevitable and there's nothing you can do about it and make the conscious effort to live in the moment and not worry about things you cant control you'll live your life more enjoyably. More than likely there is no heaven or hell so enjoy what you at least know exists, your current life, instead of freaking out about what you cant control.

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  • Truth_teller

    "Enjoy the time your here while you can, live your life with no fears of tomorrow". Please do yourself this favor. Life is precious and its a gift from god.

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  • adrianhansen1212

    I'm too depress this time.... I want to nswer this question but depression is blocking my mind..... though I know we have the same fear... and it is something that a counsil that can't cure or change....

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  • adrianhansen1212

    I -too- is afraid of death.

    And it is glad that there is someone I have in common...

    I'm afraid of death... that other phobias built up in me... like phobia in darkness, etc....

    I'm atheist... I believe that jesus existed though...

    and I know that I fear death not normally... that's the only exp[lanation I can make.... 'cause I can't really xplain why....

    I believe that everything is in myy dream.... and someday everything will be ok... not deaths, no loses. I want to believe that there is no limitation... I mean... maybe this time I die... and I'd realize that it was just a dream and i would wake in another life or another dream and so on.....

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  • gargamel

    Welcome to the club. :) It is normal. Seek help.

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    • Sssrrrhhh1991

      If it's 'normal', why seek help. I could talk to Jesus himself and my fear will still be there.

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      • gargamel

        I meant that lot of people fear death. It's common. If it's bothering you too much, seek counseling. You don't want to spend the rest of your life thinking about this, do you? Have some fun.

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  • q1w2e3

    Follow Islam, the last testament and attain Paradise where you will leave FOREVER!

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