Is it normal to fear dolls?

I've always wondered if my fears are normal. Throughout my whole life i have found very few things that scare me, I've never been afraid of the dark or heights, but the one and only thing that scares me is dolls. When I say fear I don't mean that i see one and shiver a bit, I almost have a complete mental breakdown. I can hardly move, and what mobility i do have I have to put into getting the doll out of my field of vision.

What scares me the most about them is their eyes. I will see a doll and the first thing i notice is it's eyes. When i see the eye's of a doll i feel like it is going to jump off of whatever shelf it is on and kill me, and every doll is different. The older dolls that seem to be used in horror movies all the time will always strike me as the type that have knifes and stuff, but the truly terrifying ones are the baby dolls. Whenever i see them i fear that it is going to drown me, but every single doll i see puts a new into it, some different tactic i didn't even think i could image until i saw it in the doll's eyes.

I can't even go into thrift stores or places that would sell doll's regularly because they are always their, staring at me, waiting to kill me in some crude fashion. So my question is this, is their anyone else here that has the same reaction when they see dolls?

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 32 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • This is an odd phobia. I do think energy flows through everything, although differently than how most people would imagine. I also think certain items can attract energies. However items, such as dolls, are inanimate. They cannot move and therefore cannot physically attack.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Ah, what a shame.
    I collect dolls so my room is filled with them.
    In fact, there's a baby doll right next to me on my nightstand.
    She has a creepy 'laugh' button, but it sounds like a maniacal laughter.

    Uh, anyway, I think it's normal since phobias are irrational in the first place. They can be pretty whack. >.>

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  • DannyKanes

    Nope. It is an irrational fear :)

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  • JBLuvva

    Hate dolls, especially the antique porcelain ones :O

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