Is it normal to fear from insects

when i was just a small kid i used to be very bold and courageous and when i got bigger and bigger, my fear began rising and whenever i see insects my body starts to just tremble. just two days ago i was in my room and a big bee came in and what i did? i just ran from there and went down. and i realised how coward i was?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Terrik1337

    Insects in general or just bees/wasps? I do that with bees and wasps.

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  • karmasAbich

    Crickets and grasshoppers. All time biggest fear.

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  • blackalica

    whoa... i just saw a fly slam into a wall.....fuckin funny

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    @bumblecreek Same.. I hate those and spiders, I can't pick those up with toilet paper I need the vacuum cleaner for them.
    Bee's, flies and mosquito's however I don't fear at all, sometimes I try to smack them when they fly over it can be funny especially with bee's because of knowing they can hurt me xD
    It's weird now that I think about it, I wouldn't fear bigger animals like rats or cats and stuff.

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  • bumblecreek

    house centipedes are what gets me the worst..

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  • alv1592

    I'm scared of insects too, especially spiders but they're arachnids, not insects. But teeny tiny ones such as fleas don't bother me, all they do is make you itch a little.

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  • suckonthis9

    Little known fact:

    Insects are the most dangerous creatures to Humans.

    Please keep in mind, the vast majority of insects are harmless to us. Please try to find out which are the bad ones and leave the rest alone.

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  • RinTin

    I fear flies. Spiders a little bit because one jumped on me from far away once so I think they might jump on me again.

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