Is it normal to fear god?

I heard that a kid a grade under mine absolutly scared of God, or any form of divine authority. People say it's not normal, because 'God doesn't exist, maaaaaan' or 'Well, it's God', but I wan;t to hear a broader view of this.

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55% Normal
Based on 67 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It's not normal since god doesn't exist.

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  • Anime7

    I can understand where he is coming from. Personally I don't fear God but take a look at religion. Christianity stresses that you have to be good and not perform any sins in order for God to love you; however, humans are sinful by nature so why would God hold his authority over us? Humans can't meet up to the standards that God has set for us. Sure you can ask for forgiveness but you'll probably feel ashamed of yourself for doing so. On top of all that, God is always around you. People make him out to be this powerful figure who can control every aspect of our lives. Personally, God resembles Big Brother for anyone who believes in him. In the end, man has portrayed God as a being of divine strength and religion's main weapon in having it's followers commit to good behaviors is using his strength to evoke fear. They say that God made man in his own image; in actuality it is the other way around, man made God in his own image.

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    • thinkwithlogics

      Your facts ain't accurate God loves all ..theirs no where n the Bible thats" Stress"if your not good God dont love you however it does say you have to be good to enter the holy land,heaven,gods kingdom.Everything have rules why can't God.

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      • Anime7

        I never said the Bible stresses that if you're not good God doesn't love, I said people do. If you're taking about laws, then yes there are laws, especially in physics. However, why would God create logic then demand faith?

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  • Avant-Garde

    Depends on how he was raised. My family has a fucked up view with religion. When I was younger, I was told to OBEY god and all adults. I had to pray before I ate and before I went to bed. I was FORCED to go to church. If I didn't do these things, I was given the threat that "god" would either kill me or I'd go to hell. At some point I realised that I didn't believe in Christianity and it took awhile for me to admit that I didn't believe it. I was scared that this "god" could kill me if I said he wasn't real. Then it hit me and for the most part, my life isn't ruled by fear.

    Point logic at your friend and see if he'll listen to it or stay living in fear.

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  • Alyssajade143

    I am Pentecostal which means I believe in the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit and holy bible or something and I used to always be scared of him so but now I'm not

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  • John5

    The all idea of the relligion is to fear of god! And if you fear god you don't do the bad things! (I know that the very relligionalist people [Christians,Jews,muzlimuns] got to fear god! (and love him at the same time ofcourse!). XD

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  • dickwashington

    no reason to be afraid unless your gay witch to be honest i really never understood why religion hates gays stupid if you ask me

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  • emmawesome9

    This all depends on where you are coming from. If you are Christian (religion) then you should fear God. When - in the Bible - it says "you must fear the Lord your God" it is saying you should/need to respect Him.

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  • Anonymous.73

    GOD does exist. Anyone that believes we were created by two atoms. . No offense. . Is crazy. And yes it is normal to fear God. I do . . . But I love him to. Its kinda like your parents when your young. You love them but you fear disappointing them. God loves everyone. And yes we all sin and God knows that. So he's not going to forever punish us for being human. For who every believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life!

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