Is it normal to fear losing my friends forever

This is my last year of school before I graduate. I have a couple good friends right now that I could not imagine never seeing again. I know there's still texting and social media (unfortunately, one friend has neither). I'm afraid that once we go our separate ways, we won't see each other anymore. Is it normal to worry about losing your friends 8 months before graduation?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    If they are real friends, though you may miss them when you are apart, you will see them many times over a lifetime and that closeness will always be the same. I've only had a few close friends beyond the ones I married, but no matter how long and far apart we were, we never lost touch, even before the internet. Even if something comes between you for a time, the friendship does survive and somehow you are close again. Stop worrying and enjoy the time you still have together.

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  • shuggy-chan

    If it happens it happens, whether you want it to or not.

    no sense worrying about it, just do your best not to let it

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  • sillygirl77

    I had this fear my senior year of high school. It's normal. You may or may not stay friends. I hope you do if you want to. It will take effort on your part and their part. I wish you the best!

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    • Thanks! :)

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  • I still hang out with many of the same people I grew up with.

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