Is it normal to fear love?

I am afraid of falling in love... I dont know why, i dont know when i developed these feelings, either. I have never been in a relationship. Whenever someone asked me if I'd like to go on a date with them, I non-awkwardly denied it.
Is this normal? { my friends dont think it is }

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 45 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Anime7

    Perhaps you feel like you'll be a let down for other people. Like in your mind you probably don't see yourself as deserving of another person's affections and desires, so you just push people away thinking that it's probably for the best. With this theory you fear love because you fear not being good enough for another person and ultimately getting hurt and wondering why you wasted so much time.

    I think it's normal to fear love because essentially it is the unknown. You don't know if going into a relationship with a person will end in marriage or heartbreak. It's a gamble, so you stray away from intimacy. However, I believe that, while it's understandable to fear love, you shouldn't be so hasty to dismiss it when the possibility for it arrives. I mean when you were asked on a date, if you felt something for the guy or girl, then maybe you could've given them a shot. If you didn't feel anything for them that's fine. But if you did, then, I mean it's just one date, for all you know you might not even fall in love with this person. I think it's still a good baby step though towards getting over your phobia, assuming that you actually want to be able to love one day.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are not really going to have much of a choice, when it comes to love. It kinda sneaks up on you and wraps it's tentacles around your heart and you are a goner.
    Certainly nothing to be afraid of; it's the greatest feeling on earth. Perhaps it'll end in pain, perhaps not, but when you're in love, the world is a wonderful place.

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  • rachel.dsouza

    totally normal...if some one dumps you before or you saw some heartbroken guy/girl and how they feel its normal to think this way...chillout and open your is a great feeling..if on both side.

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