Is it normal to fear old potatoes?

Is It normal to fear old potatoes? I have a bit of a phobia that I am ashamed of and that is old potatoes with eyes on them IDK when it started but I noticed it was horrible when I left some potatoes in a box for a while,a long while, and they sprouted eyes. I went to the box wanting to make roasted potatoes and opened the box I saw them and went weak nearly fainting. I screamed backing away then told myself I was being ridiculous. I tried forcing myself to grab one but something within me said NO DO NOT TOUCH. I was freaked and disgusted. After a psych class (My major) I found that some are born with innate senses of danger and found that old potatoes can be toxic and deadly if eaten. Was this a psychic warning fear like a fear of snakes or am I nuts? Here is a pic only my potatoes were worse.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • ygrowup

    I have met several people that are grossed out by the same thing!

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    • Chefpenguin11

      I used to be terrified haha but my older brothers convinced me they were real eyes! They are still creepy. Everyone has their phobias so it's normal :)

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      • ygrowup

        Yes it is very normal to have phobias, almost everyone does! You may be special in other ways, but not like this! LOL

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  • YasminBeygo

    I am so relieved to see that someone has the same phobia as me. It actually terrifies me just to see one. I feel them crawling on me etc. I spoke to a professional about it and he talked me through what might have happened to cause this and it turns out that it was a dream when I was younger. Not necessarily about potatoes because I don't remember that far back, however it was that some long arms came out and strangled me and I think that that's where it comes from. It's due to the Amygdla over working in our brain. Amygdla's are two walnut shaped and sized areas on each side of our brain that produces emotions etc and it's the newest part of our developing brain. The cavemen didn't have Amygdla and that's why they would walk around screaming and shouting at people because they couldn't control emotions. Don't be embarassed, I'm the same and although I can't get rid of it, I've come to terms with it.

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  • Seamz

    How are you scared of potatoes?

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    • NayasBeauty

      well I was told it could be inate, not in general, but for me and almost an instinct apparently when they sprout those white eyes they become more toxic until a point that they reach being deadly poisonous. When I saw the ones in the box they were covered in the weird white root eyes and it freaked me out, I tried touching them to clean and cook them realizing it was a stupid fear but there was a terrible feeling that I can only liken to fear because it felt as if I couldnt move became sick and weird like something shook me. I tried sitting then coming back to cook them and at the time I didn't know why but later I understand the fear, or whatever it was, prevented me from accidentally poisoning my friends. The only thing I now find weird is my ability to foresee events and dangers unknowingly even in my sleep...

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  • NayasBeauty

    lol not regular potatoes ones covered in those white eyes and tentacle sprouts yuck I'm telling you if you saw them you would be grossed out! did you see the pics? Yes I remember laughing at people who were afraid of silly stuff like pickles but now I sort of understand something triggers your fear response and you can't control it! Pickles? wow

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  • NeonLighterz

    HAHA POTATOS. This is funny. Don't be a baby.
    Well I can't say that, because you should watch the youtube video, of a chick on Dr. Phil who's afraid of pickles. PICKLES. Fresh pickles.

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  • Faceless

    My job is to cut potato defects out of em and do a bunch of other stupid tests on em. Im like superman compared to you.

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    • NayasBeauty

      ha ha lol ok clark kent but your potatoes are fresh! and probably not poisonous

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  • JustDave

    When I was in college, my roommate & I bought a bag of potatoes when moving in at the start of the fall semester. We put it in the cupboard above the fridge & forgot about it until the end of the spring semester when we were moving out. It was so gross. It looked like some kind of alien with tentacles growing out of this grotesque looking dark mass. At first we didn't know what the hell it was. I just felt the need to share.

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  • NayasBeauty

    yeah my potatoes were covered in those white eyes. LOL I don't think they will do anything to me, it's just that they look diseased and gross and I can't touch them to throw them away without being freaked out. I haven't ever bee able to touch one since. No I'm not a prissy girl in fact I grew up farming having to feed goats, geese, pigs, chickens, etc I just don't know why those things freak me out I wish I could get over it. =(

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  • We had a couple of rotting sweet potatoes under the sink. My friend took it out to the dumpster at night and when he came back he told me there was a guy rummaging through the garbage. I lmao the thought of him throwing the stinky potatoes into the dumpster while that guy was in there. He didn't, by the way, but damn that would have been hilarious..and mean..very very mean. :)

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    • NayasBeauty

      the thing is is that they weren't rotting if there are eyes on them I'm freaked out and if I knew they were lurking in dumpsters I might start hoarding trash in my home >~<

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      • The picture you posted was creeping me out.

        Ohh but potato monsters have feelings too. :( I'm actually getting a bit freaked out thinking about potatoes with eyes roaming the dumpsters at night. Oh God imagine falling in what would they do to you!? (,,#゚Д゚)ノ

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        • NayasBeauty


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