Is it normal to fear pregnancy after each time i have sex?

I have really big fears of being pregnant (to the extent of tears) after every time I have sex, even if it was protected?

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74% Normal
Based on 31 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • reminiscent

    I dont think this is normal... like your way too afraid every time.
    Seekelp made the suggestion of tubs tied... also there is Mirena

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  • seekelp

    If you don't want kids, can't you just get your tubes tied?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe you need to lay off on the sex.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Get the IUD if you can handle pain for a couple of days. Lasts 5 years for Mirena and 10 for Paragard and worth every cent if you like that peace of mind that it's got the highest success rate on the market and you'll never "forget" to take it.

    If you want something a little less drastic, get the Nuvaring. Put it in for 3 weeks, take it out for one, check it periodically to make sure it's still there (check right after sex, if you find it and put it back in before it's been out for 3 hours, you're golden). Lower likelihood that you'll forget your birth control.

    Sex doesn't need to be something that induces panic. I'll probably get thumbsed down all to hades for saying this but in my experience, a lot of birth control "failures" are usually either failures to use it at all or failures to use it properly.

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  • pixie44

    Yea I used to get like that a lot too. I was even on birth control and would always take pregnancy tests because I was so scared that there was a small chance that it was possible. But now that I'm older I realize as long as you take your birth control every day and use a condom you wont get pregnant.

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  • dirtybirdy

    What would you do if you actually got pregnant? And just fyi, if you are a little late getting your period, I wouldn't be surprised if it's stress related...

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  • Schindlerww

    I have pregnancy scares everytime I have sex too, but crying about it is kind of too much. Try taking your mind off of it and check everytime you had sex if the condom broke or something. That might help you

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