Is it normal to fear something even after it's gone?

This year I went to college and moved in with a host family. That was the only thing I could afford.

To make it more simple, let's say they were the Dursley's family. They wouldn't say "Good morning", "Hello" or "Thank you". They would blame me for things I didn't do. They'd give me bad looks when I had no idea what I had done wrong. The mom would scream to her daughters. The doors were slammed all the time... and this kind of thing. I lived there for six months and I never saw the Mom hug her daughters or say a simple "I love you" to them.

When I was finally able to move out they called me ungrateful for not appreciating my stay there. The mom told me I was a horrible person for not giving a damn about what they had done for me.

I am now living alone. I feel like I'm a new person, really XD But still... It's been almost 2 months and I'm all the time thinking about that place... and how horrible those people made me feel. It's gone!! It's so gone. There's no way ever I'll be living there again, but my mind keeps fearing that place.

Why? Is this normal? Have you ever feared something that was gone? What did you do to get over it?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 58 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • That's so normal it almost makes you not normal asking if its normal.

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  • college

    Maybe it's a bit of post traumatic stress (without the disorder aspect).

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  • DiamondGirl

    Yeah they did a number on you, Your traumatized, This one cop tramatized me. He abused me, and treated me like a criminal. And I really didn't deserve it. I think it was like a black/white issue. Or maybe he's a woman hater. all I know everytime I see a cop car I get bad Juju. It will lessen with time, my trauma seems to. But it still there.

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  • peterr

    Now that you are living on your own you can suck guys off or take it up the ass. All the things you couldn't do before. Wish I was there with you doing unspeakable things together. Nothing disgusting just sexy things, night and day and lots of hugging and cuddling too.

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  • penguin1

    It's normal to still fear things, people and places once you're away from them because you know they still exist. Keep repeating to yourself, "I'm not there anymore.", "They can't hurt me." Or something of he sort. You'll feel better when you start believing that the words you speak are true and that they really CAN'T hurt you.

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  • Wow. I can't imagine living like that.'s normal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's normal. After all I would imagine you don't want to have a repeat performance of this sort of scenario in your life.

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  • Needs time to get over it.

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