Is it normal to fear that everyone around you actually hates you?

I'm sure we all have known someone that nobody liked, but was never told that nobody liked them. They hang out with people thinking that they are friends but everyone else wishes they weren't there. What scares me about this is that the people I know are too nice to tell me they hate me. You could go on forever with a false sense of friendship, torturing the people that you talk to, and never know. Until one day one person tells you and you look to all of your friends and realize that you have nobody. Then you are just alone with nothing but self-doubt. This is my biggest fear, but is it yours too?

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91% Normal
Based on 67 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Holzman67

    I think if you're going to entertain that insecurity you're gonna have more of a chance of people not liking you even if they liked you to begin with.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes omg yes i feel like this too.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Are you very young?
    I think you are jumping to a false conclusion. If people really hated you, they would constantly find excuses not to be with you and at that point you might take the hint.
    Time is on your side and few of those you are thrown together with in school will be a part of your life once you have graduated. You will grow up and your real friends will come through common interests, not your school years.
    Tough it out, get through the trying adolescent years and it'll all work out.
    Strive to be yourself, not what others expect of you.

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    • I actually think that most people like me, this post is just about a fear that is always lingering in the back of my mind. I have asked my friends if people in general like me and they said yes.

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  • albertfish--

    No. It's called paranoia.
    You should definitely see a doctor.

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  • Tharly13

    my friends don't like me either i don't give a shit about it...they hate me cause too much boys are after me!!! that's sick right?......but it's not my fault i can't do nothing about it cause i can't change who i am for people who will leave in the just avoid them if they are mad at u.

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  • Caryopteris

    People can be cold, they can be fake, they can be lazy, or they may seek out people they are most comfortable with to be friends with.

    You may want to study your personality type to see what's going on and what kind of people will enjoy you and vice versa.

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  • Darles_Charwin

    A fear of being hated is absolutely normal.

    It feels like a life-or-death issue because throughout most of human history and pre-history being hated and kicked out of your social group was a death sentence.

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  • How they feel about me has always, and will always, be irrelevant.

    It's not that kind of operation.

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    • **Rubs one out**

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      • *Rubs it back in

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        • **Balls get big and swollen**

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          • *kicks Icame in his swollen balls, adding to the swelling.

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  • DubstepismyMJ

    Well most of the good comments already told soo the last thing I would put would be that who gives a flying fuck about what people think about you. what matters is what you think about yourself. Self acceptance.
    As simple as its sounds its not easy to accomplish for others. This takes time to nurture.
    And not everyone will like you, thats just life. You cant please everyone, if you try your just setting yourself for dissappoint. But i do guarantee you there will ALWAYS be atleast one person who likes you.
    Fuck that person who tells somebody that "everyone" doesnt like them. Thats ludicrous!

    Some people are hated "for" a reason and deserve it. Ex. Hitler. "The situation" in jersey shore. That guy thought he was doing "nothing" wrong. But he starts fight alot of time and is kind of an asshole for no reason. That guy was delusional. Funny as fuck that he had NO CLUE why he was hated sometimes.
    So you gotta ask this real honest question sometimes. Be true And remember were only human. Whats important is learning from our mistakes.

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  • Knoting1992

    hate is a strong word... if you feel that someone does not like you though then don't try to force it especially if they are making you unhappy

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Do you secretly hate people you pretend to be friends with? Or do you just hate yourself?
    Don't get me wrong I know where you're comming from. Maybe some of your friends care less about you then they show, but thats just politeness. The only reason I can imagine why someone would pretend to not hate you was if you were very powerful, rich, famous or intimidating.

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    • I like my friends and I like myself. I have just seen other people experience this and the possibility scares me.

      And I think the reason that people would pretend to not hate me is simple, I live in Canada.

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  • Do you live in the inner city White boy?

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