Is it normal to fear that theres a facebook profile view checker?

Do you ever facebook stalk someone, and worry that they somehow have a way to see who looks at there profile? And that you're the only one who doesn't know about, So you limit the amount you look out there profile, or just kinda freak out if you think about it too much?

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82% Normal
Based on 82 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • dom180

    I don't do anything on Facebook that I would be embarrassed about people discovering, so no. I've never felt that way. I still think it's normal though.

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  • I would not be surprised that this kind of software exists, but I really think you are being paranoid.

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  • linchpin

    Paranoias a bitch man and its only going to get worse with technological advancement. Most people are oblivious to the level of surveillance they are under

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  • Hamid37USA

    I have use facebook much to get socail secure numbers and is great site for scam.

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    • halfemptyhalffull

      really? so now there are foreign trolls on here?

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  • 69

    okay here's the thing. i've noticed that when you visit someone's fb page or they visit yours, you or those people will show up in the friends suggestions, even when it's someone you were previously friends with and unfriended. the fb suggestion system is just really stupid. after i noticed that i quit checking out profiles

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    When you stalk someone but on your friends list they show up more often under people you may know.

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  • peterr

    It should be stimulating~

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  • MissesAnonymous23

    That's why I deleted my Facebook. Not for fear that I would "Facebook stalk" someone, but because who gives a shit.

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  • Vhanixie

    Yes thats normal even me i stalk a lot of tImes just to check the current updates Of the person that i stalk so,dont be paranoid.

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  • Shackleford96

    Nope, if I'm going to creep on someone on Facebook, I straight up don't give a fuck. Hell, I might even message them...

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  • dybex

    Facebook records that type of information. So yes, it's possible that information could be revealed, to the user if he/she requested it, or to the police if your friend was murdered.

    Just create a fake account and stalk as much as you want. You should probably worry about your IP address also, so use TOR or a proxy.

    The best solution is to stop stalking people. Meet new people on other social media sites like twitter, gifyo, instagram, gifboom,

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  • driedroses

    I have a lot of paranoid irrational fears like that. But in reality, who would wanna watch a random person stare blankly at a screen anyways?

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