Is it normal to fear the fact that dogs cause breast cancer so much?

My mother read a report in a medical journal about the study at the University of Munich in Germany that dogs carry a virus that can cause breast cancer in women and copied it for my sister and me. I read it and now, not only am I afraid to visit my friends, or anyone else, who has a dog, but I'm getting to where I'm even afraid to be around someone who owns a dog even if the dog isn't there.

I talked to the doctor about it and he said as long as a woman or girl does not come into direct contact with a dog or their feces, or whatever, there is nothing to worry about. But some of my friends allow their dogs to slobber and wallow all over them and I'm afraid the person could pass along the MMTV virus to humans.

I've known women who had breast cancer and it is something I do NOT want. But am I being paranoid thinking the person can pass it from their dog to me?

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Comments ( 40 )
  • idon'tknow

    I was curious, so it looked this up. It looks like complete bullshit -they surveyed 69 women with breast cancer. Don't trust so-called medical studies that take such a small sample of the population. It also sounds like all the women came from one area (Munich). If you draw all the people from one area, you can't rule out stuff like exposure to pollution, or exposure to certain diseases.

    CraneyCrow - What you posted makes no sense at all.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Be rational. This is still just a theory. There are far more dangerous things you come in contact with on a regular basis.

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    • CraneyCrow

      It's not just a theory. People suspected it for years before there was actually a study done on it in Germany.

      In the US, of the famous women who have had breast cancer -- Suzanne Somers, Kate Jackson, Happy Rockefeller, Betty Ford, and many others -- every one of them were dog lovers and owners.

      I have known a lot of women who had breast cancer and every one of them either owned a dog at the time or had owned one in the past.

      Unfortunately, the multi-billion-dollar "dog industry" and dog freaks are doing everything in their power to suppress this information.

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  • SweetAdeline

    I spent many years training large dogs and I have had breast cancer, not once, but twice, so I am not going to say this study is wrong, like some of those who have commented are saying. Neither of my grandmothers had breast cancer, and my mother, my 3 sisters and several female cousins have not had it either. I cannot say for certain that dogs were the cause of my breast cancer, but I now keep my dogs outside, they do not come inside the house for any reason, and I do not allow my grandchildren to play with them. It's better to be safe than sorry.

    I don't think that any woman who has ever had breast cancer will condemn you for the way you feel. Breast cancer is a horrible thing. When I had surgery the second time, a lot of the muscle had to be removed and now I do not have full use of my left arm. Also, the radiation and chemo makes you so sick that you wish you were dead. In fact, I have decided if the cancer comes back again, rather than go through what I have already gone through twice before, I'm going to choose to die and just request pain medications.

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    • I am sorry for you heath problems, but I would more curious about your lifestyle as a cause of breast cancer rather then being around dogs as the cause.

      Smoker? Overweight? Anything else?

      These are proven to cause cancer.

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  • ComeFlyWithMe

    ^Just because you're a man doesn't make you free of worry. Men get breast cancer too... Also, HPV, human papiloma virus, can cause cervical cancer.

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  • kricket

    As well, dogs have the ability to actually smell cancer on a human being. Some are trained for it.

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  • Sierraman

    I came across an Islamic article that mentioned the prophet of Muslims Muhamed forbade raising dogs indoors and coming into contact with its saliva…the article goes about how the Mohamed instructed cleaning and purifying the body from dogs saliva by washing several times in water and soil, this sound interesting, the soil particles will actually succeed at removing many problem causers from the skin, which makes me curious, why this strictness about dogs and cleanliness from dogs in the Islamic faith??

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    • Farah_D

      I just ran through this while looking for the validity for this theory... Yes I'm a Muslim & yes we were taught not to raise dogs for other than hunting & as guards. Usually most forbids in our religion were somehow later on, been proved scientifically to be correct. the dogs issue weren't & we used to obey knowing that one day it must be revealed. I'm surprised though!!! & i cannot say that no Muslims had breast cancer!! no we had some acquaintances that went through this. but I do encourage all to avoid touching dogs. On the other hand, cats are always welcomed :D

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  • NorthernStar

    Thank you sweetadeline. Did the other women in your family, who did not have beast cancer own dogs?

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  • Win ^

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  • timebobbu

    air has a chance to give you cancer Dx

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  • Are you guys really seriouse? I mean really??? No virus can cause breast cancer! Gah sometimes people will believe anything they hear >_<

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  • SweetAdeline

    No. None of the other women in my family owned dogs. They all disliked dogs.

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  • twizzlerkiss

    Aussiewolf...You're the shit that was awesome!

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    • Moonbow

      If you would have omitted "that was awesome" from your comment, you would have had it right.

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  • Tancho

    Aussiewolf is so right there - everything carries a risk these days. Breast cancer aside there are a million and one things that can kill you from cars to disease so what's the point in worry about something like this that you can't change?
    Besides it hasn't been proven and I bet there are millions of women who have owned dogs all their lives and not developed Ill health because of them. If it were that strong in evidence it would be plastered all over the news.

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    • CraneyCrow

      No, it wouldn't be plastered all over the news because the "dog" industry -- people that make money from selling dogs and dog products have tried to suppress it. I've read about TB and for years and years, there were studies saying that it was contagious, but they was suppressed and the people who kept saying it was contagious were called crazy until it was proven to absolutely be contagious.

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  • Don't quote me, but I do not think viruses can cause cancer.

    I'm so glad I'm a man.

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    • Moonbow

      It has been proved that certain cancers are caused by viruses.

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  • mrlambley

    The silent killer.Doctors warned in the Press today (1.7.16)that humans can get it by letting dogs lick them.It is thought bacteria that can live in cavities in dogs mouths,are passed on when petting closely or licking.More than 100,000 a year go to hospital with sepsis and about 30,000 die.Earlier this year it emerged the number of patients admitted to hospital with sepsis had risen by half in 5 years to almost 500/day.
    Perhaps this explains why Mohammed said that hands must be washed 5 times if contact had occurred with a dog`s saliva.

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  • mrlambley

    Prominent press report of 21.4.15 says the Ohio State Uni researchers writing in the Canadian Medical Association Journal,say all pets can potentially transmit diseases to people.Infections can be acquired from bites,scratches,saliva or contact with faeces.They warn that we should be made more aware that animals that give us so much pleasure can also be our worst enemies.They say infections from pets are a threat to the vulnerable including new born babies,children with leukaemia,cancer patients and anyone with a weak immune system.
    A review of animal to human infection suggests many of us-including doctors-do not take the risk sufficiently seriously or take precautions to limit the harm.Dogs are capable of tra
    nsmitting Salmonella,Clostridium difficile,Campylobacter jejuni and other sickness inducing bugs.Also parasites such as hookworm and roundworm.Precautions should include handwashing after pet contact and discouragement of face-licking by pets.

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  • mrlambley

    Confirmation that my friend`s holiday observations were accurate.A UK newspaper article today,26.12.12,said:
    If you wander into a bar or restaurant in France you almost feel undressed if you aren`t accompanied by a dog.
    Nor do i mean the preposterous little hand-bag size dogs that French women walk around with like fashion accessories.
    It is quite common in France to have to step over steaming great hounds as they stretch out waiting for Gaston to finish his cafe creme.

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  • mrlambley

    A friend on holiday in France recently,noted that the French are very close to their dogs,taking them on trains,buses,& into shops & restaurants.If dogs are instrumental in passing the MMTV virus,you could suspect France could be high up the World Breast Cancer League Table.This table states the number of cases per 100,000 women.This is what it reads.
    1.Belgium 109.2 2.Denmark 101.1 3.France 99.7
    4.The Netherlands 98.5------11.U.K. 89.1

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  • mrlambley

    48,000 into 10.5 million = 218.So it would only take 1 in every 218 dogs to pass the virus to cause 48,000 cases per year.

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  • mrlambley

    Correction.9.2.12.Press reports UK has 10.5 million dogs kept as pets,with 31% of households owning one.As it is now reported 48,000 per year get breast cancer in th UK you would expect that about 15,000 would own dogs.As i`ve said,what is the real figure? That figure would prove the case ,one way or the other.I find it amazing that the UK does not record all the factors surrounding patients.

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  • littlelulu1999

    Perhaps when the CDC FINALLY issues a warning about a virus pandemic caused my dogs and their waste will people finally realize they have walking diseases/demons in their houses that have taken over and replaced the human race. I read an article about how people are adopting more dogs than children in some cities. Can you say Planet of the Dogs?

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    • The reason we see increases in cancer from year to year, and this is opinion mind you, but logical opinion, is because the world population is increasing year to year. Anyone who would actually believe that owning dogs cause cancer is misinformed at best, delusional at worst. Dogs have been around people and living with people for thousands of years if they caused cancer we would not enjoy the successful companionships we have with them today.

      Did the study mention any of the other known risk factors these so called subjects who developed breast cancer had in their lives, (smoking, bad diet, obesity?)

      I think its funny you find offense or at least find it confusing that people would adopt dogs quicker then children, as if there is some obligation to raising someone else's mistake just because we are the same species. Some people like dogs more then people, its just their own opinion, nothing wrong with it. Of course you would find something wrong with that, but you are most likely a judgmental hypocrite.

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      • littlelulu1999

        you are a sad, sad bully.

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        • no I just disagree with judgmental hypocrites...

          though I cant imagine why I disagreed with you.

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          • littlelulu1999

            you are a sad, sad bully

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            • coming from someone like you thats not even insulting.

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  • mrlambley

    You are right Caramel.Only some cases are due to MMTV,as stated above,Tunisia 74%,Australia 42%, Italy 38%,USA 36%,Argentina 31%.We don`t have a figure for the UK, but if the German report is a guide at 79.7%, i fear the UK will be similar, as we are a relatively small congested country.Here,it`s well known you`re never more than 10 to 20 feet< 3m to 6m> from a mouse or rat.I wish you well Caramel with your dog hygiene, but bear in mind we don`t know by which method<s> the virus is transmitted.e.g. Cold <flu> virus is caught by inhaling air with it in.
    My interestin this subject began 30 years ago when a relative who had breast cancer, was told by her doctor to get rid of her dog.This made me note, over the subsequent years, how many of my friends and relatives, who had cancer, owned dogs.The answer has been 10 out of 10, albeit a couple were jaw cancer and leukaemia, but the ratio is still far too high, in my opinion, to be a co-incidence.
    I do hope we soon get feedbackfrom the women with breast cancer, about their contact or non contact with dogs, as 45,000 womenEVERY YEAR with breast cancer in the UK alone, is beyond horrendous, and we must do everything possible to solve this.

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  • caramel

    Not true.. not true to say that every woman on this earth were infected with cancer just because they adopted dogs! probably they got cancer for some other reasons, and not because of their contact with dogs! just see numbers of women in Middle East and Gulf Arabia who got cancer, died from cancer( and they never owned dogs.. actually they hate dogs as they're relgion fanatics). I got a dog but I am careful and don't allow him lick my face, and if he did, licked my hands.. I wash them with soap, I wear disposable gloves while cleaning him up.

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  • mrlambley

    Consider these points reported in the press.1.The mmtv virus causes a high level of breast cancer in mice.<Discovered in 1936>.2.reports suggest this virus is picked up by dogs sniffing where mice have been, and possibly transmitting it to humans by close contact.3.research report of 14,401 dogs tested in Norway said 53.3% had breast cancer.4.research report said Tunisia is high in mice.74% of their women breast cancer cases were of mmtv form.Australia 42%,Italyn38%,USA 36%,Argentina 31%.5.Breast cancer in Asian & Oriental women is virtually unknown.They don`t keep dogs as pets.6.Germany, Munich report says 79.7% of women tested with breast cancer had dog contact.It also calculated women in contact with pets were 29 times more likely to get breast cancer than others.

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  • mrlambley

    In the uk approx.45,000 per year get breast cancer.As about 1 in 10 houses have dogs,you would expect about 4,500 of these women would own dogs.What is the real figure? That would prove the case one way or the other.The Munich University did a zonal check on their research cases.i.e. what contact they had with pets.The uk cancer research org. tells me they don`t do a zonal check.I told them we can`t afford to bury our heads in the sand when so many women`s lives are are possibly at risk, we must get the feedback from the women somehow.

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  • SweetSherry

    Hmmmmm I have to say I'm surprised they didn't rip you to shreds over this whenever someone says anything bad about dogs some people here they all tend to gang up and attack I've seen it on other posts and I'm thinking its just a fucking dog get over it anyways a lot of things cause cancer these days don't know about mutts wouldn't be surprised if the study turned out to be true though

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Even if they did carry a virus like that, I think you're getting a little too worked up over it. It sounds like something thats been blown out of proportion. Its probably something thats very rare. And the doctor is probably just looking for his moneys worth anyway, because he sounds a little too paranoid too.

    Besides, what doesn't cause cancer these days? We have a dog, and everyone seems to be fine in my family. However, my sister did suffer from cancer 5 years ago. Lymphoma. But I doubt she got it from my dog. Thankfully, she went through treatment and is well now. She just had a baby and everything. My aunt has had cancer too, and she's never even lived with a dog. I'm not trying to sound rude, because I know you're just curious, and that you are simply stating the facts that you read. But really, don't let it go to your head.

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  • CompletelyLOST

    A virus can def cause cancer. However the supposition that dogs are the link to causing breast cancer is ridiculous. The shear number of women who have lived years with dogs and no cancer should quell the doubts. Never mind the number of women with cancer who dont live with dogs. Breast cancer is almost solely genetically linked. And its a numbers game, so its very possible to carry the gene and never get it, or to be the only family member to fall victim to it. Dogs have been proven to be therapeutic to patients not detrimental.

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    • Moonbow

      No, it's not ridiculous. Didn't you read what SweetAdeline said? I've read about it, too. Dogs can pick up a virus that has been linked to breast cancer and transmit it to women. Just because a woman doesn't "live with dogs" doesn't mean she was never exposed to dogs and the virus at some point in her life.

      Dogs aren't therapeutic unless the person is a dog lover and not everyone loves dogs. If I were sick and someone brought a dog in my room, it would just make me sicker!

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