Is it normal to fear vomiting
Im afraid to throw up! I just am terrified and when i do vomit i cry for hours before and after
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Im afraid to throw up! I just am terrified and when i do vomit i cry for hours before and after
I'll admit, I usually end up crying for a minute before and after I throw up. It's one of the worst feelings.
I am the EXACT same way!!! Wow I thought I was the only one. But yea when I feel like throwing up I start to freak out, cry a lot and go into a panic attack
Its no fun especially when you have chicks pecking down your throat at the same time. Nasty little buggers.
yup it's awful. i always try to talk myself out of it when i feel like i'm going to throw up, but usually i throw up anyway :/
For me I'd say yes. I would rather be in physical pain than have to throw up, one of the worst feelings
Not normal. How do you know you are going to puke hours before you puke?
Strange child...
i had gallbladder problems and finally got it out but if i feel like vomiting i have anti nausea meds to take since i had cancer they work well but it is a phobia EMETOPHOBIA i havent vomited for 25 yrs at least but if i get nauseated i feel as tho i will die if i do im56 male
lol who doesn't? It feels terrible and sometimes it goes to far and you can't breathe. I don't want to think about it
Definitely normal, I definitely want to cry before I vomit, but I'm usually focusing on not freaking out or actually trying to control whats going on, because frankly, nobody has control over their body when they vomit.
You cry for hours before and after? Wtf.
Once you've thrown up as much as I have, it just becomes less and less rank. It's always better out than in, but though it's literally fucking vile whilst doing it, straight after I feel like ahhhhh, much better. Except for the taste in my mouth.
Vomiting from actually being ill is awful. But throwing up from being drunk is fine. It's usually easy to come out, softer on the throat and you feel wayyy better afterwards. Most hangovers I have now seem to involve me feelings incredibly sick and then saying "fuck it" and doing a tactical chunder and then instantly feeling better afterwards. Ohhh uni.
Ditto! Always prefer the other end - can take Imodium for that! Ii it comes I get it out the way as quick as possible...get very shaky when it happens...then I have a hot shower to get rid of taste in my airway