Is it normal to fear wind turbines?

Is it normal to be deathly scared of wind turbines? I have had a reoccurring nightmare since I'm a child of a windmill. It creeped me out. Now that these wind turbines are in my area and popular....I can't even look at them I panic so much I cry. My heart pounds I can't breathe and I can't drive. I feel like these are taking over the world. They don't look natural to me. I believe these aren't supposed to be here. I know they do good for the environment. But at what cost?

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 54 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • dertman

    I drove to Colorado from Texas and went through a large turbine farm and it was dark but just light enough to barely see them. It was the very large type with one arm longer than the rest with some right along highway. I was very freaked out but knew I wasn't in danger. I'm also scared of large objects but usually in water.

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  • sheepysheepy

    I used to be afraid of fans cuz it looks like its gonna chop me and suck me in when its turning 0x0

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  • Alittlecoconut

    I thought i was the only person to be scared of them, they're just creepy

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  • MrsEdGein

    I'm not scared of wind turbines but I'll admit they look creepy when all in a group like this:

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  • Avant-Garde

    I can't let myself become creeped out by them. I already have a long list of phobias, some of which are apparently very strange.

    Try thinking about them this way, that they are giant versions of pinwheels. Or, you could think of them like a revolving flower. Going to therapy might be a great help. In the mean time, do as much research as you can on them. I've done something similar with my phobia of spiders. I had a dream awhile back, that seems to have greatly changed how I feel about them. I can now look at photos and footage without freaking out.

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    • shuggy-chan

      but they have such cute hats

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      • Avant-Garde

        There was panic but then it subsided as soon as I saw how stylish that creature was. I once encountered a wolf spider peeping tom, some years back, when I was going to the toilet in the basement. I guess it couldn't resist the temptation!

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        • shuggy-chan

          hahah im glad it didnt traumatize you to much till you saw the exquisite nature of that spider xD

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  • hermione_eve

    BTW I am so glad someone finally posted this

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  • hermione_eve

    I hate them too, they terrify me. If this makes you feel any better, I had a panic attack once on a school trip when we went to cornwall in the UK and got on a boat and sailed out to the turbines. All of my friends wanted pictures with them but I said no and the loud noise when we were next to them was truly daunting. ANYWAY I saw it and cried and cried and had an anxiety attack whist I fell down ON THE BOAT and was making sudden screams being like "leave" and "i hate them" ewkhkjhcjks so weird

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    • Melons

      Oh my god. I wouldn't have stepped foot on that boat!!!! I can't look at them from a few miles away let alone close up. I would have needed therapy for the rest of my life. They are too over whelming, ugly and I don't think they're great for the environment because the size of the factories pumping those things out must be super huge!!! You poor thing, I hope you got over the experience.

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  • Fidgety

    I used to be afraid of radio towers, so this is normal. Not that they're going to take over the world, but I'm kind of afraid of large structures.

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  • VsegdaTemnata

    I think they're really beautiful! They're tall, white, and usually in the sunlight or high against the sky, and spinning as fast or as slow as the wind goes :) Pretty.

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  • ThatUglyDoll

    They are kinda creepy because of where they build them. They look so out of place and un usual and I don't like it either. They look like metal giants from War Of The Worlds. eeeeekkkkk! RUN!

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    • wrighton

      This is the best description of wind mills I have read. The really spook me. Thankfully I do not see them very often at all. But when I do...... I am just really spooked.

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  • zchristian

    Somewhat normal to be afraid but not normal to think they are going to take over the world...

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