Is it normal to fear you're in a coma?

I don't do it very often. I've done it twice in Kohls. I was looking for mom and then I thought wait, what I never find her? What if I'm in a coma? And no one can help me because they're all in my head. It was a terrifying thought and I almost went into a full blown panic attack. Opinions please.

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 39 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • I really want to be in a coma for some reason. No idea why. Like, be in a coma for a year or two and then come out of it.

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  • RoyRogers

    Maybe you have some psychological issue which makes you think so.

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  • theseeker

    That's strange. Sounds like you experienced depersonalization anxiety. I remember sometimes I would think like that as a kid, but I would snap out of it once I realized how ridiculous it was.

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  • icant_

    Same here but with me its not really a fear. I would be glad to know that I am in a coma.

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  • qualityaristocrat

    Degeneracy runs deep. One often hopes that the sickness infecting the world is simply an illusion, a mere dark thought passing through the mind. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it is not the world that is sick, but your mind. It is your mind which conjures this sickness into the world, that buries it deep in fertile soil, so that it may blossom into evermore horrifying abominations, which will then spread their own seeds, until their slimy thorns choke out all light and hope.

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    • dirtybirdy

      I love fertile soil and seeds!

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  • Short4Words

    It's just a silly fear. Fear can make you believe crazy things.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    You're waiting for a train....

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    • Lollypop_Lacy

      What on earth does that mean?

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      • modernism

        It's a scene from the movie Inception.

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      • Arm0se

        You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?

        Because you'll be together!

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        • Arm0se

          You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?

          Because you'll be together!

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          • Arm0se

            You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?

            Because you'll be together!

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            • Arm0se

              You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?

              Because you'll be together!

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