Is it normal to feel disconnected from the world?

For most of my life, I have noticed that I see the world around me as if it were a movie. Everything is blurry and out of focus. Nothing is able to truly catch my attention. I find myself having to gently remind myself that this is the real world and that this is happening.

My memories are the same. None are clear. My memories are terrible in that I cannot recall them. I forget things all the time when they only happened the day or hour before.

I am honestly afraid something might be wrong with me. Is any of this normal?

Yes 2
Yes and I experience the same feeling 7
No 6
You need medical help 2
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Short4Words

    This is derealization. I've been through it before. Often it's a coping mechanism with some sort of trauma or it can happen after smoking weed.

    How long have you been experiencing this?

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    • dying.with.death

      For as long as I can remember, which may be most of my life or only a few years.

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      • Short4Words

        I think you should see a therapist about this.

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  • I often feel like that, its probably derealization, which is a symptom of a lot of different things, although I would describe it as precieving things for what they really are.

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    • Exactly I couldn't have said it better.

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    • dying.with.death

      Symptoms of what exactly?

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      • I could give quite a few examples, but not a complete list of possibilities.
        Dissociative disorders, Schizo disorders, Drug use, Brain tumor, psychotic mood disorders, Epilepsy, ptsd, certain personality disorders, and many others.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Sometimes people with Borderline personality disorder get dissociative type symptoms.

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    • Short4Words

      Don't confuse the poor lad.

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  • Naughtygirl147

    I do sometimes.only my bf can bring me back to reality

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