Is it normal to feel embarrassed in a normal conversation?

Is It Normal That If I Make A Comment, And Somebody Tries To Contradict Me I Feel Really Embarrassed- Like The Other Day I Was Having A Conversation When She Said ' Because You're Blonde' And Then I Got Really Annoyed And Went Bright Red...

I Feel This In Normal Conversations Like, "What Are You Having For Dinner"
Then I'll Feel Really Embarrassed And Go Bright Red...
Is It Normal?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 25 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Why does every word begin with a capitol letter?

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    • Who_Fan4Life


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      • dirtybirdy

        Damn. You're right.

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  • I get this sometimes, used to get it a lot but the more I had conversations with people, understanding their personality learning to take jokes and seeing their points of view and even starting conversations with complete strangers, the more confidence I got and the less red I turned - its basically social anxiety.

    My face always turns red when I laugh or have a coughing fit, its embarrassing but my friends have come to associate me with it...but they don't love me any less :)

    (p.s. if a girl goes red in the presence of a bloke its often a sign that you like them and for some men that's quite a turn on :) so it's all bad)

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  • bananaface

    They aren't contradicting you, it's just a simple question. No one's going to attack you for answering or anything like that, they just want to know what you're having for dinner.:P

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