Is it normal to feel gross after breast exam during routine checkup?

My doc was with a new doc student I guess and she was shadowing him but when it came time to do the body exam I did not know they were going to do it together it was so awkward. He was telling her to push in move the breast tissue a certain way to feel for possible lumps and she was doing my other breast at the same time I wanted to scream. It was so unexpected it made me feel gross as hell why can't he just do it or just her why two hands

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Comments ( 5 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    That does sound like it would be a lot, although the others make a good point that you could have asked them to examine you one at a time I know that at the time it often irrationally feels like you can’t say no. I’m sorry you had this experience.

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  • Sanara

    I can understand feeling its a little bit gross, but also that you are exaggerating. It is expected that would happen on a breast exam, they are doing their job nothing else. And they also cannot read your mind so they dont know you think its worse if they use both hands.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I mean you can always complain. Thats how new policies get made

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Lol like you're a cadaver at med school

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  • litelander8

    They’re just tits. But you could’ve always said at anytime that it was making you uncomfortable and she wouldn’t have learned anything.

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