Is it normal to feel imasculated while getting dumped on in fifa

Every single time I'm getting owned in FIFA I feel the only retribution I can get is to send a message to my opponent calling him a fag or a pussy. I usually do it at halftime for those of you out there whom I've insulted

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38% Normal
Based on 66 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • jessicia16

    it just means your bitter and want to spread it to others ~ its kinda natural on games ,, but its much more admirable those players who have strength of character to not do that .... or make a joke instead etc .. annyway im sure its kinda 50/50 normal :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    Oh, "FIFA". I thought you were to one of the characters from Final Fantasy. To feel emasculated and call people derogatory names over something like this is ridiculous.

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  • Epic FIFA fail!

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  • I don't feel imasculated when I play even if I do loose I say good game and live my life. there are some amazing players out there.

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