Is it normal to feel inferior at 5'9" in height?

I'm 37 years old I stand at 5ft9.5 (176cm) tall, while my 38 year old brother who is 6ft2, and my 30 year old sister who's 5ft8.

For the past 20 years I've spent so much time wearing Chelsea boots with thick chunky soles and thick padded insoles in order to make me look at least 5ft11 tall. I cannot wear flats when leaving the house.

I feel bad about my height, I really do. Insecure and inferior since I'm from a family of tall men and I should be at least as tall as my brother i.e 6ft2. It had gotten to a point where I avoided going out drinking with my brother in our early-middle 20's because he would get so much more female attention than me without deserving it (other than virtue of his height... women were more drawn to him than me). It really made me perceive women differently. They ARE height queens no matter what people say.

I have been called "short" as well, mostly by bullies but also by several women, one of a mere 5ft3 height.

My father is 5ft10.5, my mother is 5ft7. Both paternal and maternal grandparents are 5ft11 and 6ft1 respectively. Several uncles between 5ft10 and 6ft3. I am the shortest born in my immediate blood family since 1927 as far as I know. It doesn't make any sense. I don't have a birth defect and actually ate better than my 6ft2 brother growing up. (he didn't like milk or meat)

I've thought of undergoing leg lengthening surgery in order to be 180cm tall or 5ft11 stature. I'm a guy and live in Scotland and my ethnicity is Celtic with dark hair, blue eyes and pale skin. I have measured myself in the mornings straight out of bed and stand 177cm. I feel I have a massive complex and need to be taller. I think about it everyday almost.

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 38 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • CountessDouche

    Women are probably not drawn to you because of your retarded shoes, thinly veiled insecurity, and the scowl on you face. YOU'RE NOT EVEN SHORT, FOR FUCKS SAKE.

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  • green_boogers

    Physically you are 5'9". But you perceive yourself as about 5'3".

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    • mystery7

      I was going to say 4'9"

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  • Short4Words

    In the end all that matters is who is more confident and charming. I'm a short dude, I got plenty of attention when I was in high school by girls much taller than me.

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  • Freedom_

    I'm 5"5 and I've never dated a guy who was more than a few inches taller than me. Plenty of short guys get the V, quit comparing yourself to tall guys.

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    • Cynewald

      Why can't I compare myself to tall guys? Studies show that tall people—particularly tall men—earn more money and are held in higher esteem than their shorter colleagues. Tall men also receive more respect from other men and are more likely to have attractive female partners. This is not through virtue tall men are better men, but the fact that shorter men are treated as worse (i.e prejudice)

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      • Freedom_

        Same goes for women, dude. Life's not fair, but dwelling on it only holds you back more. When you have the opportunity, make your short man statement if you feel it's necessary (although you're really not that short imo).

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  • Aries

    I am about 6 ft maybe just under and considered attractive but have friends who are shorter around your height or less some of them who are aren't as attractive visually and they get plenty of attention from women ... the one thing they all have in common with each other .. super confident , very fluid , free flowing with conversation and again .. confident aura's . I wouldn't let whatever height you are bother you at all because it has very little to do with what a real / good women wants my friend .. that's all superficial things that aren't as important :D

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  • mystery7

    Forget about changing your height through surgery, you are out of your mind. The only thing you need to work on is your confidence. Make the most of what you've got.

    At 5'9" you're not exactly a midget.

    Confidence about who you are is everything.

    You're 2 inches taller than me. I'm only around 5'7" but I often attract women much taller than me - up to 6'.

    If a tall woman that I am attracted to ever mentions height difference my usual cocky response is along the lines of "You're a little short for me but in your case I may make an exception."

    Or, 'I'm big where it counts." (which is true)

    Most women who are worth your while don't actually care too much about it. And when you are horizontal it's barely noticeable. I also don't mind being in public with a much taller woman.

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  • Oilfieldmonkey

    Anyone who Isn't attracted to you due to your height isn't worth worrying about. Some ladies like tall dudes, built dudes, tattoos, whatever. Some women are only attracted to black people so you're outta luck there too. I'm only half an inch taller than you and yes, SOME women preferred taller guys over me as well but it doesn't matter.

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  • Couman

    Maybe you should move to China or something.

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  • VinnyB

    There could be a number of reasons, other than your height, that draw women to him instead of you. The reason that jumps right out at me is a serious lack of self confidence.

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    • JD777

      I agree with VinnyB. Chicks can sense confidence, or lack thereof, from across the room. And the way you seem to fret over your height, I've got to guess you exude insecurity whether you think so, or not.

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    • Cynewald

      As I said women a drawn to him before they even know either of us on a personal level. They flirt with him within seconds of meeting and ignore me. How could that be my CONFIDENCE? I don't 'look' unconfident or "sad". STOP blaming ME! I just wanna grab people like you by the neck!

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      • VinnyB

        Ring my neck all you want. First, I never said "absolutely" that confidence was the reason. I said there are a "number of reasons" why they might choose him over you. I said that confidence is the one that stands out to ME, because you show a severe lack of confidence in your post. It is hard to look confident when you are calling yourself inferior.

        Now if you think that a woman, or a man for that matter, can not look at someone from across a room and tell that they are nervous, uncomfortable, confident, or a number of other things, I would sharply disagree with you. But again, I am not saying that his MUST be the reason, I am only saying there are possible reasons other than height.

        Unless woman are all waking over and saying, "go away shorty, I want to talk to Mr. tall here", you really don't know what the reason is. So why don't you calm down and control your anger? You came here asking for opinions and advice, don't jump down someone's throat when they don't tell you exactly what you want to hear.

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        • charli.m

          Wait...are you saying being a whiny brat and having a tantrum when you don't get told what you want to hear is UNATTRACTIVE?

          Big claims there, pal.


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      • chained_rage

        Are you even sure you'd be able to reach his neck, short shit?
        Your short fuse goes fashionably well with your stature.

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      • Short4Words

        You said it yourself that you have a little man complex and now just lashed out at someone pointing you out. Women might be more drawn to someone taller but they can also sniff out someone for not being confident by just looking at them.

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  • LogicalBot

    Hitler ruled the world.
    Tom Cruise, a big name in Hollywood
    Jason Statham one of the best action heros
    Sylverster stallone a legend in action movies
    AlPacino kicked everybody's asses being a bad ass intimidating bad man!
    Johnny Depp and his intensity

    So what were you saying again, about Taller men being more successful???

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  • Osairq

    Am 5'10" and the shortest in my family and every cousin I know. My brother is 6'2" and has a better sense of humor and better looking and loved by everyone girls, teachers, even 2 year olds light up when they see him. I never felt inferior or ever let it effect my confidence. There will always be someone who is taller or better looking with a better sense of humor but that only makes the competition more fun. Know your strong points and work on them.

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  • regisphilbin

    I'm around 5'8 and I had these similar feelings of insecurity in the past. And it's just one of those things where you have to make the best with the cards you've been dealt in life. No matter what height you are, relatively speaking, there will always be taller and shorter people. And height has absolutely no relation to someone's character or personality, to the kind of person they are. Judging others by their height is about as ridiculous as judging them for the color of their shirt or shoes. I can't control my height so I figured I better start working on the things I can control. And I realized the sooner I accepted that the less stressed out I was going to be. The way I see it, I was born with a gift. Being short gives you a quick no bullshit detector. If women (or men) choose to show you disrespect for your height, you know right there it would only be a matter of time before they found some other lame excuse to marginalize you. Being short I've learned to recognize the kinds of people who are worth being around, and I've got nothing to apologize for, in fact I'm proud of who I am.

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  • Koda

    Your height is the very definition of average, so I don't know why you perceive yourself as short. If you're a white guy and you're over 5'8", most people will not view you as short. In Japan, you'd be quite tall. I felt like a giant freak in Japan.

    I was quite comfortable at 5'11", but I grew to around 6'1", and I don't think being above average in height suits my personality. People tend to view you as more lumbering when you're over 6'0', and they also call you "big guy" which I hate.

    I know this must sound kinda lame, and I'm fully aware that shorter men have WAY more issues in society generally, but this is about YOUR self esteem and how you view yourself, not what others think/how they treat you. For one, you're "body dysmorphic" because you're obsessed with thinking you're short ("I think about it everyday almost"), when in North America, you're average height, and in a lot of other countries you'd be tall. For your age, your height is even taller. You're not 20, so you shouldn't act like the average height is 5'10" or 5'11", cuz that's not your generation.

    At 37, you should be long past vain teenaged obsessions. This is something you need to deal with, not fix. You sound kinda crazy for wanting surgery to correct your average height. Most people who get that surgery are asians around 4'10"! It's painful and there's a long recovery. You're also middle aged, which means there's a greater chance of complications. It's a huge, huge deal! Height is not even a "real" thing, it's just a relative thing, it doesn't exist until you start comparing yourself to others. There are many, many creatures you tower over, and many, many people too. Even you admitted to wearing lifts to appear 5'11", if you already appear above average, then what's the problem? If you're still being rejected at 5'11", trust me, it's not your height!

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I'm with everyone else here, it's not your short height that's been your problem. I knew this guy once, he was around 5'8 I think, and man did he pull women. You've probably wasted 20 years of your life feeling complexed about your height. Surely it's high time you stopped now and sucked it up?

    For the record, Lionel Messi is 5'7". Was insecure about his height his entire life. Look at him now. Lower center of gravity = mad skills.

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    • Koda

      My stork legs meant I could never do a handstand as a kid. lol

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  • 5'9' is in between short and tall , lots of folk would love to be 5' 9" me included , nice height

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  • thegypsysailor

    Yep, a real short one you are.
    Short on the gray matter it seems. Anyway, with all the medical marvels available today, why don't you just have a doctor fix your problem.
    Get to work; 100k plus or minus should do the trick. Be taller by medical marvels of the twenty first century.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Dated a guy for a while who was godly fucking gorgeous and about my height (5'5"). 5'9" is about average. I think it's actually an inch above average.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Whoa OP! Calm down. My current lover is only maybe one inch taller than me, so he's about 5'9". He's also on the heavier side, and balding. So you definitely should not be insecure! Not that I'm saying my partner is inferior; I find him exceedingly attractive. But he's had some confidence issues too even though he gets plenty of female attention. But he exudes confidence and he's got a wonderful sense of humor, and that's one of the reasons I dig him.

    So try to relax and learn not to be worried about your height. Short men live longer anyway. :)

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  • Ace9

    IIN to get so fucking confused about the stupid metric system? WHY THE FUCKING FUCK NOT JUST USE METERS?!?!?!

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    • Murun

      SI units are great for engineering but terrible clumsy sounding words in English language conversation.
      It also annoys me that American English can't spell 'metre' properly, so I try to avoid them where Americans are present.

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      • daydreamer394

        Maybe you haven't grasped the concept of language yet, but each have different spellings and neither are wrong. Claiming they are incorrect makes you look rather silly.

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