Is it normal to feel jumpy after almost being in a car crash?

I was in the car with my friend and she wasn't paying attention so she rolled through a four way intersection with another car driving at us and even now (two months later) I still feel on edge when there is another close call. I tense up, hold my breath, and say whatever to make sure the driver is aware, no matter how experienced they are. However, I myself haven't changed as a driver.

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94% Normal
Based on 72 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Shackleford96

    Hell yes it's normal to be jumpy after a close call!

    Car crashes are violent and deadly. People don't quite understand the seriousness of one until they've been in a one. By then it's too late for some.

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  • flowergirl87

    Definitely. You're on high alert as a passenger because of the mild trauma that came with the accident. And your trust in other drivers in bound to be affected. It's only been two months, so give it some time.

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  • squirrelgirl

    It's normal, I'd be the same way if I had a close call. Hell, I get jumpy even during smooth rides! Cars are death machines on four wheels.

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  • Karmasbitch

    Oh yeah, it's completely normal. Your body and mind is reacting to something that traumatized you subconsciously. It's defending itself. It being your body/mind.

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  • hallow

    Sometimes it is not as easy as telling one to calm down, something triggered her to react more than one should.I know for a fact when a person reacts more than normal then there can be a problem maybe a form of anxiety can have something to do with it.

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  • megadriver

    It's normal, after a few months you should be calm again. If not, try to keep quiet. Nobody likes it when a passenger turns into a backseat driver. I for one hate it. I've got a mate who was in a car crash and when we go somewhere with my car. He is always going "Look out for that car. He is changing lanes. There is a pedestrian there. Red light, green light, speed limit" I always tell him to keep quiet. Nagging is bad.

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