Is it normal to feel life is redundant?

I lead a pretty ordinary life, I'm just a teenager with not a whole lot going on. Naturally with the time I have spare I think a lot about life.

To be honest, I can't see a point in our everyday lives. I don't understand why we live the way we do, and why people act the way they do. The things people say and do, to me, it often seems irrelevant and meaningless, so often cliche.

I'm curious to hear if other people possess the same feelings of frustration, doubt and helplessness in terms of our race and our lives, and what we do.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, is it normal to feel that life is so redundant?

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94% Normal
Based on 35 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • dappled

    To be honest, I think life is utterly meaningless (in terms of the "meaning" we try to ascribe to it). It starts, it happens, it ends. I think most people would be happy with me (someone else) saying I mean nothing and even that I might die in five minutes, but perhaps less happy in them only having five minutes of life left. Not that there is any difference. A life is only a life and mine or anyone's is only the same as yours.

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  • That's why I always say 'Fuck the world'.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You can write a book about harry potter but we will never be wizards. You can cure cancer but they will just create kids to fall into the system we all live by. You can make a cartoon about people who have angel wings but you yourself can not fly like an xmen. Does any of this really matters? You can fix the world but people are too stupid to listen. Knowing the truth makes you sad. You can imagine all you want but are you really doing anything? Unless you are into having sex every day but after awhile it just gets old for some. Love is nothing but a word and a pointless following. People are just so systematic and so is life. What a boring exsistance we all have. Such a depressing thing living in a world so lifeless.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yes someone else sees it! Life is utterly pointless in everyday. We work and grow we have children or simply support the acconomy. Most of us get married or have kids and one day realize if you don't that is the only kind of socialization you get without it. That or go to clubs where you will probably get raped or into a fight. Get drunk and party and get an std or stay at home on the computer and playing video games. Oh isnt life grand! So much to look forward to. Even if you save lifes with a cure for cancer. It still leads to us falling into this boring madane exsistance we are forced to tolerate. What an absolute bore.

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  • Maya05

    I've been feeling this way for years. Life and existence in my opinion is completely void of purpose and reason. We (along with every other living organism we have ever encountered) live a life with the main goal of staying alive and keep the species going. It's a cycle that just keeps going and going until our species die. Most humans seem to need to have a sense of purpose for everything. And cannot see existence in this way, some cannot even get their head around the idea that life is purely random and has no greater meaning or purpose.

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  • bakerj99

    get a job.

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  • Moonbow

    Is is redundant! Welcome to the real world!

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    Well what would you prefer?

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  • bananaface

    I think loads of people get similar feelings at some point.

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