Is it normal to feel like all the good ideas are taken

I'm a visual artist and whenever I come up with an idea for something I will google it to check it hasn't been done before, but it always has, in some shape or form. It's frustratingly hard to be original, with so much of the world on the net and at your fingertips, so many minds online sharing their ideas the chances of your idea being already thought of is so high.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • squirrelgirl

    Ugh I know what you mean. It's really frustrating, but what are you going to do? :/

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  • covert_pursuit

    Someone else always did it, or did something similar. Thats something every artist has to deal with. What defines you as an artist is the way that you create your art, the what your works tend to be about, and how your personal drawing/painting/scuplting/etc style looks. I think it will be easier for you to focus on a combination of these, making your own version of things.

    Some artist prefer avoiding other art as to not be influenced by it, as they find if helps their originality. I'm throwing it out there but it may or may not help you!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Thats only something someone without ideas will say.

    No i will not share mine with you.

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  • wigsplitz

    Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Same feeling but about inventions/technology etc.

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  • wasd75

    Yeah but just make it anyways. If you are paranoid about it avoid looking at art close to what your about to make then you will know what you made is original.

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  • TheGodThatFailed

    I hate it when people steal my ideas before I have them.

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