Is it normal to feel like i am a bad influence on my mormon boyfriend?
He's Mormon, I am no specific religion. I like to occasionally drink & smoke. I listen to "dirty" music & watch porn. I think GLBT should have equal rights. I was his first, but I am far from innocent. We have sex every time we see each other. He doesn't feel bad about it. Right now he spends the night with me every once in a while. He decided not to go on his Mormon Mission (a 2 year long thing 19 year old Mormon boys do)& just go to school & us live together instead.
I always ask him am I a "bad girl" phase (like girls have "bad boy" phases), But he insists he loves me & it's forever. I also always ask him "Are you allowed to do this and that, isn't it a sin" but again he insists he is a human being allowed to do whatever he wants.
Honestly, I am and have became a better person since we've been together. We both still have a lot of growing up to do.
Also, another thing he doesn't ever really talk about God, or his religion around me. He always seems uncomfortable when it's brought up.....