Is it normal to feel like i'm always being watched?
I told my mom that I felt like there was a hidden camera in my room and the bathroom, she told me I was being stupid. I haven't talked about it to anyone except her and my friend. I even told my friend I thought there was a camera in the bracelet he gave me. I know exactly were these "cameras" are too. There is one in the bracelet, one in the necklace my other friend came me, one in my room on the wall in between the TV and the radio, one in the bathroom in the shower and the cabinet and above the sink. I also feel like people can see me through the TV, my phone, and the computer. It really scares me. But see the thing is I know I've always been a paranoid person. I always carry a pocket knife, even if I'm just going to get the mail, I always feel like everyone I see is thinking about kidnapping and/or raping me, ect. I'm scared. Is all this normal?