Is it normal to feel like people/things are watching me?

Most of the time I just feel like everyone is watching me and trying to find out everything I'm doing.

Occasionally I feel like certain people or things are staring at me in a menacing/creepy way. Example: I'm on the computer and someone is sleeping on the couch near me, it appears like their head is turned in my direction out of the corner of my eye and it feels like they are staring at me about to do something to me but when I look they aren't. Sometimes I think their eyes are slightly open and they're staring at me. It's happened with my dog and stuffed animals too.

Other times I think that someone or something is hiding somewhere and watching me. Example: I pulled out the lint trap which is in the back of the dryer leaving an open vent. I immediately felt like someone was watching me through it. I was afraid to put it back because I thought someone was looking at me through it. When I get worked up I start to think I see people or I feel like something is in the room with me hiding somewhere/invisible or outside watching me.

If I wake up by myself when it isn't fully light outside I've noticed that I feel a presence in the room and panic. It feels like something is in the room with me but I can't see it and I can feel when it tries to come towards me.

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59% Normal
Based on 39 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • TheBox1373

    I'm watching you right now

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  • thatcutesmileyguy

    I use to watch a few horror movies when I was younger and they've definitely effected. Sometimes I'll run through the house late at night, after going to the toilet or something, and close my door quickly cause I feel like someone is watching me and following me.

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  • iamyouufool

    There's all sorts of shit that your human eyes can't see that are watching you! Don't be freaked no harm will come to you.

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    • zelit

      It is true that you are never truly alone. Bu,t by what you wrote you are very anxious about this. You might want to seek some help.

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  • iminhere

    Its normal. I always get a feeling of being watched but its just our mind. Almost everything you've mentioned above (the example of the computer especially) has happened with me. My suggestion is, just chill out!

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  • SexyBeaner94

    you seem to be paranoid.You should go talk to a pychologist :D

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